PC Peripherals help newbie to build PC

Thank u so much........Blugene, spitfire, sTALKEr, greenhorn, Aniruddh, hunter, PiXeLpUsHeR n all......

Blugene & spitfire, i wish i had read ur posts earlier, i juz brought my pc on the nxt day, on 11th, newayz.....now downloading the prog., hope it works....!!

btw, i got foll:

E6750 + DG33 = 14k
Seagate 250 GB = INR 2850
Transcend 1 GB - 800Mhz = 2k
Cabby iBall 522i (400W) = INR 1350
Sony 20x DVD-RW = INR 1550

Total = INR 21750.00

will get gfx card soon.....

the only thing i'm not happy with is cabby, btw, is 400W is enuf for now ??

and, as spitfire said, get "Cabby 500W VIP....", u mean to say get VIP brand or wht...i asked salesman for it, he showed me Cabby by VIP company, and recommended to get 400W for now, and get 500w SMPS whn i get gfx card.

n yes, maybe overclocking is not my cake !!

once again, thx allllllll !!