OC & Modding Help OC 6800 GT


HI guys. My XFX 6800 256mb PCIe card idles at 67C and loads at 85C. My AMD 3500+ idles at 43C and loads at 55C.Its voltage is 1.488 V.I have a Powersafe 400W PSU with 20A on +12V rail. I want to OC the gfx card and CPU. For the temps, im getting AS5. Will it be enough? Anything else I should do? Also I have two intake fans, one on side and other upfront and two exhaust fans one at the back and other at the top.
One more thing. Does removing the metal plate over the heatsink of the gfx card help? And more importantly is it safe?
itari said:
One more thing. Does removing the metal plate over the heatsink of the gfx card help? And more importantly is it safe?
naw it just gets your card more dusty... more importantly removing it will spoil airflow (the card's airflow). keep it on.

I had a 6800GT that didn't cross 64 degrees even on a permanent OC to 375 MHz. I sold it a few months back to a friend using a 2800+ S754 rig back home, and he's had no complaints... He isn't using an AC, and Jabalpur is around 42 degrees right now...even then temps don't go above 70 degrees.
My advice - don't OC :cool2:
Ok. I take ur advice. Then how bout some cooling advice? Im getting AS5. How bout some coolers that r available in India?
@itari, your CPU temp is waaaay to high. Have you overclocked it??? Then why is the vcore given is 1.488??? The stock vcore is arnd 1.35.
vandal said:
naw it just gets your card more dusty... more importantly removing it will spoil airflow (the card's airflow). keep it on.

I had a 6800GT that didn't cross 64 degrees even on a permanent OC to 375 MHz. I sold it a few months back to a friend using a 2800+ S754 rig back home, and he's had no complaints... He isn't using an AC, and Jabalpur is around 42 degrees right now...even then temps don't go above 70 degrees.

My advice - don't OC :cool2:

wow.. what cooling did you use? 64 C without AC on load is a difficult to achieve.

@itari: you can use AS5 on core and ram. it has helped me. plus you can remove the metal cover and stick an 80mm fan directly over the heatsink. I had used an A64 stock HSF. but you will have to bear with the noise... should help you with the temps. if it goes down, then OC. leave the side panel open when you wanna OC.

when I benchmarked the OC of 389/1070 (using Detect Optimal Freq) and 400/1100 i got better results with the former settings (3dMark/Aquamark). you can try on your own what you get best with.
I have not OCed the CPU. My3500+ clawhammer is 130 nm. For them stock vcore is 1.5 V. I have my vcore set to auto in BIOS. It is taking 1.488V. And how do u put an 80 mm fan on the card?
^ well remove the metal cover. so the heatsink is exposed.

take 4 rubber washers and stick it to the 4 corners ofthe 80mm fan.

using fevikwik or something (use minute amounts) stick the fan to the heatsink.

make sure only the rubber washers stick to the heatsink.

this is to avoid passing any vibrations fromthe fan to the card.

connect the fan power to any 12v power connecter from the PSU
Arre I have ac at home, my friend in Jab hasn't...The temps are what I got, I dunno how the card runs at now, but could find out if someone really wants ta know...It never crossed 64 with me, and usually remained around 58 under load, with AC, with a 25 MHz clock increase..

SpitefulPentium said:
wow.. what cooling did you use? 64 C without AC on load is a difficult to achieve.

@itari: you can use AS5 on core and ram. it has helped me. plus you can remove the metal cover and stick an 80mm fan directly over the heatsink. I had used an A64 stock HSF. but you will have to bear with the noise... should help you with the temps. if it goes down, then OC. leave the side panel open when you wanna OC.

when I benchmarked the OC of 389/1070 (using Detect Optimal Freq) and 400/1100 i got better results with the former settings (3dMark/Aquamark). you can try on your own what you get best with.
By ac do u mean air conditioner or air cooler? cos i have an air cooler at home. But since water is poured into it, im afraid it will spray water and short the rig.