CPU/Mobo Help on motherboard RMA issue

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Cooler "Master"
Hello fellow esteemed member of this great (albeit addictive) site I need another help. One of my friends is facing an RMA issue with Gigabyte motherboard, here in Bangalore, it has been sent for repair twice and has not performed satisfactorily even then (audio issues from the rear out). I tried to contact a few members and they suggested I start a thread here.

The motherboard model is ~ GA X58A UD3R GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket 1366 - GA-X58A-UD3R (rev. 2.0).
Bought on 28th October 2010. From S.P. Road Bangalore.

It has gone twice for repair to the Bangalore Accel Frontline Services and now my friend is tired of sending it again can someone point who to contact.

Thanks in advance.
^^ anilkumarr is the id of the rep. Anyways, ask the mods to get this thread moved to the Manufactuers->Gigabyte section.
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