Help purchasing a bike in Delhi

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ok guys, I need ur help with getting a bike in Delhi, will be getting one in 2-3 weeks time. I need something that can carry me around, looks decent, and does not require frequent visits to the mechanic. The cheaper the better as maybe I can keep my 8800GTS then (or else I'll have to sell it), but this does not mean I get too cheap, good condition is a must, I don't need something with an almost dead engine.

Go on, ur turn now...
I might have just the right bike for you, My HH passion, modified a bit with wider tyres and changed the front lamp hood, and the rear lamp, maynot have the speed but has never ever ditched me. Bought a car 2 years ago and have been lying like a piece of junk since then, started it a week back after 5-6 months and to my surprise it started in 2nd-3rd kick but i still dont wanna part with it.
Please give your budget kniwor !!

I would suggest the Platina at the lowest end of the market. It is an amazing bike for the price you pay.

Stay away from Hero Hondas. All you'll be getting is a 1970s machine with a little bit of modern flavour. Ridiculous.

You can go for the Discover 110 or 125 in the mid-segment. In this segment, the Suzuki Zeus/Heat is also good... not as good as the Discover but very good. Very refined engine and torque.

Of course, in the premium end of the market, Apache 160 or Pulsar 150. Nothing else.

even higher, then the P180/200 or Karizma.

Do mention your budget.
^^ Platina is a good bike in the price it comes for.

But not necessarily hero honda is 1970's bike.

Hero hondas have engine refinement a notch above bajaj for any model you choose. Though downer is the cost of spares.

Also bajaj has been having some quality issues lately including recall of pulsar 220 and kristal.

Go for super splendor or discover if you can afford.
super_saiyan said:
discover is amasing bike except for its looks..;).!

+ 1 for TVS / Bajaj . . .

hehe.... I disagree... I think the Discover looks really good :P

Josh said:
^^ Platina is a good bike in the price it comes for.

But not necessarily hero honda is 1970's bike.

Hero hondas have engine refinement a notch above bajaj for any model you choose. Though downer is the cost of spares.

Also bajaj has been having some quality issues lately including recall of pulsar 220 and kristal.

Go for super splendor or discover if you can afford.

Well, 1970s is an exaggeration. But the fact is Hero Honda have not done anything to that engine from the 80s. Minor tweaks here and there do not make it an all new engine. even the 125 cc "Quantum Core" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: engine is same outdated engine just rebored.

I hate Hero Honda because they have no innovativeness at all. Even the 1970's engine is designed by Honda. If Honda leave Hero Group, then Hero Honda will die. Hero Honda are surviving only on past glory. People buy HH bikes only because there past bikes were so much above the competition.

The only good bikes made by HH in recent memory is the CBZ(original) and the Karizma. But there also ,they screwed up real bad. They completely ignored the CBZ in the face of newer competition from Bajaj, TVs, etc. and Karizma is too slow. For 223 cc, it should have been much faster. It was slower than P180DTSi (the original DTSi. Not the one with Exhaustec and shorter gearing and alloy wheels.)

The CBZ was a huge hit initially but not for long. The Karizma never sold as well as HH expected it to.

sheesh.... everything is OT :P Sorry... totally OT. Hope Kniwor doesnt mind.

Do post your budget, so we can help you better :)
Hmmm.... Didn't I mention I was looking for a used bike on low budget. 25k types.

How much does a Platina cost in ND.
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