Dark Star was convincing me to just try the Mandriva once... That day came today.. I had free time so Downloaded Mandriva 2008 Version.. [Not 2009, coz its still in beta state]
Now, I've some questions.. I hope Darky or other members will help me out from these...
I've already installed Windows XP Pro SP3 on one drive... Can I install Mandriva on other Drive?? I need Windows XP as default OS... Can I install Mandriva without touching installation of XP??
Also, Do I need to install all those Graphics drivers and Audio drivers again??
I'll be looking to be more Open Source and Freeware User now...
Thanks to Darky... :hap2:
Dark Star was convincing me to just try the Mandriva once... That day came today.. I had free time so Downloaded Mandriva 2008 Version.. [Not 2009, coz its still in beta state]
Now, I've some questions.. I hope Darky or other members will help me out from these...
I've already installed Windows XP Pro SP3 on one drive... Can I install Mandriva on other Drive?? I need Windows XP as default OS... Can I install Mandriva without touching installation of XP??
Also, Do I need to install all those Graphics drivers and Audio drivers again??
I'll be looking to be more Open Source and Freeware User now...
Thanks to Darky... :hap2: