Help Regarding Trigeminal Neuralgia

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Guys its really sad if it comes to be true that my father might be suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. After Seeing many Doctors the pain is still there and as far as the symptoms are, it all concludes to this. :(
His Symptoms:
Stiffness in Left Jaw
Upper Jaw seems displaced and it feels as if its displaced a bit in upper direction
Severe Pain in various directions in the jaw/left cheek
Sudden Shocks like attack in the 3 parts of the jaw ie being chin,below eyes and near ears hence causing severe pain
Unable to lay down and sleep in a way where the jaw seems to be displaced ie where the pain is.

He is going to see some neurologists in Fortis today so if it turns out to be this. What should we do? I surfed all trough the internet and found that it is one of the most painful conditions known to man. :(
Doctors here on TE please help. Also please tell if there is any permanent treatment to this disease?

Symptoms suggest trigeminal neuralgia, unfortunately. It is really a painful condition, although the intensity of pain varies from person to person. Treatment options start with medications in the form of tablets (carbamazepine, usually), for a prolonged course. If relief is minimal, only then invasive options are even considered, and even then the success of such treatments cannot be guaranteed. I hope and wish your dad gets cured with medications itself..

If no relief,outdated but highly effective treatment...absolute alcohol Inj in the TG ganglion.

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It is TN itself,dad called up and the docs at fortis have said that it is. They have given some medication and said if it can be cured by this as it is just at the early stage...if not then surgery/operation will be done in future. Let him come back home i'll ask and post back. Thanks for the Reply Guys I'll recommend these to him. BTW he's already taking those carbamazepine tablets.
Guys, he went to fortis they gave him the same medicine that logistopath sir recommended...but also just to be sure my dad went to take the X-Ray scanning and it the result it was found that the Jaw is a bit displaced from the original position...So X-ray Doc. said that there could be a possibility that it might not be TN but they are also not sure. They recommended him to sleep without turning and up-straight. Also gave them quite a medicine's. Logisopath sir do you it can be just a jaw displacement and nothing else? I can upload the xray scanning(if possible) if anybody here can tell?
red dragon said:

If no relief,outdated but highly effective treatment...absolute alcohol Inj in the TG ganglion.

Sent from my galaxy s2 with tapatalk pro.
Absolutely right.
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