help reqired to connect laptop to internet using WIFI

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Hello guys I have purchased a laptop supporting wifi I have wifi modem installed at my home connected with my PC through ethernet port now I wanna connect my laptop to this modem as well for accessing internet but wirelessly please guide me through.
Mention the exact model no. of your modem.(Screenshots of modem page would be helpful i.e after logging in to modem )

These are general steps for Nokia Siemens modem(Not model specific)

I)Set your connection to PPPoE mode (If already set then skip to (II)Configuring WiFi)

1. Login to Modem

Type in your browser

User Name : admin

Password : admin

2. Configure Internet

i. Click on Configuration

ii. Click on Internet

You should delete all the default connections shown in this page.(select the connection and click on delete symbol)

3. Create a new connection in Modem

i. Click on add to create a new connection

Enter the following details.

PVC Name : PPPoE

VPI : 0

VCI : 35

After entering the details click on Next.

Now enter the following details.

Encapsulation Type: LLC/SNAP

Encapsulation Mode: Bridged

Then Click on Next.

select Obtain IP automatically.

You should enable NAT and Default Route. After selecting this, click on next.

Enter the user name and password given by BSNL. Service name should be BSNL(or Dataone).

Click on next and on confirmation page click Apply.

4. Reboot

i. Click on Admin

ii. Click on Reboot

Select the option Reboot from last and click on Reboot button in the bottom.

II)Configuring WiFi

1. Login to Modem

2. In the left menu, click on "wireless".

3. In the new page again on the left menu click on "security"

4. In the Network Authentication select "Open"

5. In WEP Encryption select "Enabled

6. In Encryption strength select 128 bit or 64 bit

If you select you have to select a combination of 0 and 1(ASII characters) for example 0000000011111 or numbers 1 to 9 making up 26 digits. For 64 bit 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal digits (numbers 1 to 9)

7. Now in current Network key select "1"

8. In the space Network key 1 write a number I described above according to whether you selected 128 or

64 bit

9. Click SAVE/APPLY.

10. Now try to connect the laptop and when it asks for the key give the above key. You will get connected.
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