Help! router firmware update failed


I tried to update my TP link wifi router but somehow the it got stuck on updating and now it doesn't work.any way to resurrect it?
If your router has a reset button, try resetting it for about a minute and see if it helps. What is the model number of your router?
Bad luck, did you any chance try it over a wireless connection:lol:

first reset it and try reflashing it again via TFTP technique

first try to ping it, if it answers

ping -t -w 2

if it answers you and you are still in the game.

else the bricked router is in deep trouble:|

btw, why did you flash your router?

Some link you should look:

Recover from a Bad Flash(its - DD-WRT Wiki for different router but still helpful)
no i did this mess over the ethernet :)

ping doesnt respond..hard reset didnt work.only the power led is on..
any other recovery method? now where do i find a JTAG cable ?

its TL WA 501-G