Storage Solutions HELP !!! Seagate 1 TB Free Agent

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Seagate Free Agent Desk
1 TB
Purchased - Dec 2009
From -SP Road,Bangalore.
Backed Up 900 gigs onto it .... Movies and Series
Didnt use for 3 weeks...
Now, the bugger won't power on.... :@ :@
No light....:@
I don't even have the list of what's there in my HD...
Can spend upto 10k.....
Power Cord is working fine...
any suggestions....
currently in Hyderabad....
If needed can come to Bangalore...
Please Help....:sos::sos::sos:
why do you have to spend money again, when u can replace the faulty one (it should be under warranty)

This can happen with any drive, so don't fret too much

try checking with another adapter, if it works, back up all data and submit to RMA at Accel Frontline

You will get a replacement(mostly new one) in 10-12 days

PS. If data is too important, remove the casing and try plugging the harddisk to PC directly and see if it detects

Doing this, you will lose warranty, but if data is more important, take this route
If i had another copy of the data.... i wouldn't have cared for the disk....

who would have known that seagate would fail so friggin early...

i have 4 seagates running fine....

I will try the open-me-up route once i come to bangalore....

hope it works...

btw i had mailed accel...

they asked me to give in writing if drive was opened for data recovery in detail...

only then would they replace it...

so, any of you guys know any one who can operate my dead drive....

Thanks a lot for the replies.Appreciated.
are you hearing any clacking sound?ah well if it is not powering on , you wont know ...yea no other go other than opening it up for now
op if ur hard disk is not powering on then it means either the cables are kaput or no power is coming into ur i feel nothing to worry.
better take the whole thing including the hdd and the cables and take it to accel.ask them to check it out.if the problem is in the hdd then u can ask them to open it for you or you can take it back and then do some data recovery stuff.if not then you can just change the casing or the cables.

hope this helps.i feel there is nothing to worry.if by chance there was power coming onto your hdd then we can say hdd is faulty but here since the power itself is not coming in it means the adapter is kaput.just check it out.

Just wanna know, have you tried checking the USB cable? May be that itself has gone bad. Otherwise as suggested try the opening up route. Now, I'm too worried as I also have a similar drive with all my movies and music in it.
The cord is fine.... it's passing current properly.. I've tested using a tester.....
after few minutes.. the part near the power-plug-in gets a little warm.....:huh: the rest cold as ice..:huh:
after few days .... i tried again... switched on.... but this time i could smell something burning...:huh: hope it's not the HD ....:fear:
My rig is 5 years old... only ide.... planning to buy a PCI 2 SATA next month...
so cannot check it on my sys....
none of my friends have a sys here....

only option is to take it a accel center and get it checked...

Friends, take my advice, and please backup your data on more than 1 drive.
2 years of downloads all gone ....:@
I backup'd movies instead of music onto this fkin drive.... this saved my arse..
otherwise.... lol.... can't even imagine...

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