Audio Help select IEM's 4-5K


wanted to move to a nice pair of IEMs...currently have the soundmagic PL30....
i find them BORING and lacking quality (not that i would expect miracles at that price point) not looking for super boomy bass.... just quality midtones will be most appreciated...
over the past year have gifted the basic boss and the klipsch S4i to they were gifts didnt get a chance 2 use em ( no matter how much i wanted to:hap5:)..but the boss friend had some issues with built quality...i dont trust them for their opinion on sound quality...girls(i think thats self explanatory)
looking for nice balanced sound with emphasis on clear midtones.
woudnt mind stretching the budget by 2k if its really worth it...but still would prefer if can find something around 5k mark.

thanks for the help
Brainwavz M2 if you want lot of non-boomy bass and aggressive midrange. Brainwavz M3 if you want balanced sound with medium-light bass. Could also consider the Klipsch S4 and if you wanna spend all the way till 6-7k then maybe Radius DDM will work for you as it is supposed to have a smooth ,lush midrange.
yeah a strict no to RE0, if you are looking for a lot of bass (super boomy bass )

hmm super-boomy bass,nuforce ne6 only comes to mind. yeah if you can shell out more the better ! :p
Get Klipsch image S4...but the bass becomes muddy smetimes is one of the cons...but super relaxing comfort...can listen for hours :)
guys thankx for all the help...i think il go the Klipsch way( local warranty, comfort, though a bit bass heavy for my liking...but its ok) ....

any feedback on s5i rugged
Hey man,
The S5i have the same drivers as the S4, and beileve you me, you will not regret buying them :)
Just dont buy from Ebay I'vbe been told you dont get warranty if you buy off ebay.