help setting up netgear WGR614v5


got the netgear wifi router WGR614v5 from my friend. I want to set it up with my existing d-link glb502t. i have connected the router as per the instructions in the manual. the router isnt responding to or to
i've tried connecting with the modem in both pppoe and bridge mode, but the router's page isnt responding. i've tried resetting the router many a time but to no avail. the router did response one time earlier but never after that.

any suggestions?
Are you able to ping

your NIC should be in the same network... assign yourself setting as

no gateway

access the device and set it up

After that, connect the dlink to WAN port.. for easy setup you may try the autoconfig wizard.
You are having a fight among the router and adsl about who is going to own Can you declare a peace among them and make sure that they own two totally different network among them? Make sure they have different ip address.

Make sure the router and modem are disconnected. Connect only your PC to the router. Check the IP. Should be 192.168.1.x and the default gateway should be Check if you can ping If you can, access the router's setup interface using the same IP and change the LAN IP to or anything that's not 192.168.1.x
thanks it working now...used for the router.

one more question guys, can i access my PC hard disk from the lappy or vice versa? i am running vista on the PC and xp on the lappy.

i have enabled a shared partition on the PC but the laptop doesnt even detect the computer, forget the shared resource!

any suggestions?
Both computers need to be in the same workgroup. And if you've got the firewall enabled, you've got to make sure it doesn't block local network traffic.
guys there is a problem. only firefox is working on the laptop. IE 6 and yahoo messenger are responding as if there is no internet connection.

how to overcome this? the connection is established so all apps should work. but only 1 is. i have tried both an encrypted one and the normal one. is it something to do with the firewall?