Help: Setting up wireless internet at home

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Okey, I am changing my room and shifting to a room(in same home) which doesnt have a phone line. And this new room is pretty secluded, so i dont want to buy a long wire and make spider webs on the wall.

I have no experience with wireless routers. The place where i will keep the modem and the computer are about 10 meters apart and there are 4 walls in between. :P
Will it work fine?
And which modem should i buy? I am using MTNL Tri-band, Mumbai.

Additionally, after buying the wireless router, will i be able to use net on desktop and laptop simultaneously? :ashamed:

Thanks in advance. :)
4 Walls is gonna be a problem unless you invest in really good router which is not cheap affair.

BUffalo WHR-HP-G54 will probably work but its still a long shot. I get amazing range with this( 10mtrs is no big deal for this router ). But 4 back to back walls is gonna be a problem.

The other option will be WHR-HP-AG108 which is extremely hard to find in India.

You can go for Draft N router and adapter but it will burn a deep hole in your pocket.

There is not much to do to setup the Triband with router. You can easily control your connection from your desktop itself.

Put your ADSL router in Bridge mode, connect it to wifi router. Put the wifi router in bridge mode.

Enable WPA-PSK security and assign a password to protect your signal. Unencrypted signal will mean anyone will be able to steal your bandwidth.

Once you establish the connection to router from desktop / laptop. You can simply create a dialup PPPoE connection on desktop and dial in.

Or you can simply connect from router login page, its upto you.

If you have any trustworthy dealer, make sure you have an agreement with him where he is ready to take the router back in case range is not enough.

And make sure you get good wifi card for desktop as well as range will depend on that too.
4 walls could be a problem
I suggest buy a ADSL Modem + Wi-fi Router combo, and a Wi-Fi network card for ur desktop.
connect the router in a room with telephone line which is kind-of nearest to ur room.
then, use wi-fi from both desktop and laptop to access the router+modem
If u do get 802.11N it wud b great, do let us know too where to get it from !

I have the Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 and though I do not have 4 wall back to back, it works through three walls and one floor down without any problem at all. I have the tomato firmware and I get excellent signal on my laptop for atleast 30 metres, so I believe it should work for you.
get a wireless pci card with antenna . should help :)

I use a linksys WRT54G and WMP54G and i get a signal between 2 walls and in between a floor. approx 8 metres apart. ~18MBps
spolygon said:

I have the Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 and though I do not have 4 wall back to back, it works through three walls and one floor down without any problem at all. I have the tomato firmware and I get excellent signal on my laptop for atleast 30 metres, so I believe it should work for you.

Whats the cost of it? What else i will need other than that and wifi PCI card? This task seems quite time and energy consuming. I might have to drop the idea of setting this up till my semester exams end by late december. :@
hunter said:
Whats the cost of it? What else i will need other than that and wifi PCI card? This task seems quite time and energy consuming. I might have to drop the idea of setting this up till my semester exams end by late december. :@

A suitable PCI card is the buffalo WLI2-PCI-G54S @ 1k
Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 is ur best bet. Although, G54 plus a PCI card will burn a hole in ur pocket as the two not gonna cost anything less than 4.5k
So unless u dont mind spending the money and absolutely need a wireless setup, think abt it.

I recently puchased the the Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 router and the buffalo PCI card for my home. frankly speaking i was rather disappointed with it to begin with. Reason being too many walls and pillars in my flat. I was expecting the world from the router based on the raving reviews everyone was giving this thing, but unfortunately I had to do a lot of trial and error before i could decide the best location for it. And even after finalising the best possible location, i can only manage 2-3 bars in each of my bedrooms. Although, that, in no way is the router's fault. I expected far too much from it. with all said and done, the g54 is a great router.
Also, setting up a wireless network requires more than basic networking knowledge. So make sure u know what u r doing and that u have enough time in case u dont :)
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