HELP !!!! someone messin with the network

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my uncle is facing a very irritating problem in his office. (works in gati navi mumbai as VP)
someone is trying to mess up with the office`s network system. (mite be a hacker or someone )

wat i wanted to ask is :

is there a way through which we can track someone`s internal IP through the external ip which we have ?? (that person does not seem to have a static ip but the external IP remains same through )

any help will be appreciatead :)
Hi, unless you have access to the "NAT" device that is doing the natting for the hacker, no its impossibloe cause the NAT device strips of all information regarding originating IP and Port numbers and re-writes with its own IP and port. However, it keeps a log of all such transactions.

Thats why you need access to this device to see the internalk IP.
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