help to connect both PC & laptop


I've a ZTE(ZXDSL 831A II) modem that supports only one ethernet out which i've connected to my laptop..How do i connect it to PC aswell? since modem has only one ethernet..

Do i need Lan Card for PC, my mobo does have Realtek RTL 8100C lan chip via RJ45 ethernet port...Plz help
it is very simple...

get hub/switch ..4/8 port... arnd 800/-

put all lan cables..from pc/laptop/modem in switch. make sure all have different ip.
may be u want to restart... u r done.

need more info.... ask me..
Thnx a lot..
Im confused abt I.P, will it be same for PC & laptop?
Why I.P shd be different?
I dont knw much abt networkng..
Also do i need lan card for PC?
My mobo does supprt lan port identicl to laptop..
IP is individual identity of comp on network. All comp must have diferent ip otherwise it will create conflict.

yes you need LAN facility on pc and lappy. If it is not onboard, you needa lan card for pc.
idea said:
IP is individual identity of comp on network. All comp must have diferent ip otherwise it will create conflict.

yes you need LAN facility on pc and lappy. If it is not onboard, you needa lan card for pc.
Thanx again!!
