PC Peripherals Help Upgrading Current PC



Well its time to update my PC and there is no better place to discuss the best possible upgrade than here at TechEnclave with you all you wonderful guys :).

Budget: Not Limited. Yes there is NO RESTRICTION on my budget. Just want to have a powerhouse PC avoiding undue expenditure if any.

Here is the current PC config along with Required Update:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66 Ghz 4MB L2 Cache 1333Mhz FSB

Upgrade: Want to go for Core 2 Quad now. Would like inputs from you all for the BEST Core 2 Quad Processor.

Motherboard: ASUS P5K Deluxe/WiFi

Upgrade: Will not upgrade this motherboard as it is a good SOLID performer. Morever it supports all Intel Core 2 Quad Processors.

RAM: Kingston 1GB DDR2-800 X 2.

Upgrade: The motherboard supports upto 8GB RAM. So thinking of adding in 4 GB more. But not sure if it is needed at all as have read in some reviews about Vista not recognizing more than 3 GB memory. Will go as per your inputs including any specific brand like kingston, gskill, etc.


Upgrade: Definitely going for this upgrade and remove this GPU completely. Confused between nVidia or ATI as motherboard supports ATI Crossfire. Want to go for HD graphics card. Will go for 2 and not 1 to implement crossfire/SLI.

I am not a avid gamer. But still would prefer a SOLID performer for regular PC use as well as some gaming.

SMPS: Coolermaster eXtreme 600W

Upgrade: I don't think its needed as this 600W SMPS is a great performer & will fully support my upgrade. Any suggestions will be welcomed.

HDD: WD WD5000AAKS 500GB X 2

Upgrade: As of now 1 TB is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Morever will be going for External HDD :) .

Optical Storage: ASUS DRW-1814BLT SATA Lightscribe

Upgrade: Want to add in a Good Blu Ray Burner/Drive. Any other suggestions are most welcomed.

Cabinet: Chieftec BH 02 BBB

Upgrade: Definitely not needed. Has plenty of SPACE.

Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 710N

Upgrade: Want this to be done first. Really bored of this monitor as I have been using it for too long now. Never upgraded the monitor even when I upgraded the PC last 2 times.

Confused whether to go for 19" or 22". Looking for a good performer along with great looks. Willing to know recommendations from you except Viewsonic as I really dont like them :( . Want to have FULL HD to see great visuals from my new GPU cards as well as some good connectivity options. Thinking of BenQ, Samsung & some AOC models.

KeyBoard Mouse: Logitech MX3000

Upgrade: Still GOOD but want to change it now. Considering a seperate keyboard & mouse this time rather than a keyboard + mouse COMBO. Thinking of Logitech Dinovo Keyboard. Not decided on Mouse yet. All suggestions welcomed.

Router: Linksys WRT54G V5

Upgrade: Its not an upgrade but a more of addition. Want to go for the new WRT160N series for streaming of music, gaming & HD content along with Internet. Please share your inputs.


External HDD: Want to go for WD Passport/MyBook or Seagate Freeagent. Will eventually decide on your inputs though I am a WD fanboy :) .

WD TV: Going to buy it so if any one already own it please do let me know your experience.

If any additional cooling fans are required to support above config, please do suggest so.

So I have put it all in front of you :). Please do HELP me along with your experienced inputs & build me a rocking new PC.

Looking forward for all your HELPFUL suggestions & replies.

Best Regards,
Here is what I think:

handsomeabhi said:
Here is the current PC config along with Required Update:

Upgrade: Want to go for Core 2 Quad now. Would like inputs from you all for the BEST Core 2 Quad Processor.

Q9550 @ 14.5K. Not the high and mighty but best bang for buck from Intel in Quads. Built on 45nm it has a considerably lower power draw than Q6600. You will be able to overclock it to 3.4 to 3.5 Ghz easily.

Motherboard: ASUS P5K Deluxe/WiFi

Stick with it

Upgrade: The motherboard supports upto 8GB RAM. So thinking of adding in 4 GB more. But not sure if it is needed at all as have read in some reviews about Vista not recognizing more than 3 GB memory. Will go as per your inputs including any specific brand like kingston, gskill, etc.

Get Gskill 900MHz 2X2GB kit @ 3K. Quite sufficient for your needs. Use 64-bit OS to use full RAM

Upgrade: Definitely going for this upgrade and remove this GPU completely. Confused between nVidia or ATI as motherboard supports ATI Crossfire. Want to go for HD graphics card. Will go for 2 and not 1 to implement crossfire/SLI.

I am not a avid gamer. But still would prefer a SOLID performer for regular PC use as well as some gaming.

No SLI for you. Only crossfire is supported. If you are comfortable with multi-GPU solution get 4850 X2 from Sapphire. Should cost around 16 to 17K. Or else, an OC 4870 1Gb or GTX 260 (216) and you are set for gaming on a 24" monitor.

Upgrade: I don't think its needed as this 600W SMPS is a great performer & will fully support my upgrade. Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Change it as soon as possible. This SMPS may be enough for 8600GT, but won't cope with even 4850. Get Corsair TX650 or Antec EA650. Antec will cost around 5.3K while TX will be around 7K.

Upgrade: As of now 1 TB is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Morever will be going for External HDD :) .

Good if you are comfortable

Upgrade: Want to add in a Good Blu Ray Burner/Drive. Any other suggestions are most welcomed.

IMO, not worth it right now. Get it after 6-7 months, By that time prices will fall further.

Upgrade: Want this to be done first. Really bored of this monitor as I have been using it for too long now. Never upgraded the monitor even when I upgraded the PC last 2 times.

Confused whether to go for 19" or 22". Looking for a good performer along with great looks. Willing to know recommendations from you except Viewsonic as I really dont like them :( . Want to have FULL HD to see great visuals from my new GPU cards as well as some good connectivity options. Thinking of BenQ, Samsung & some AOC models.

If budget is no consideration, get Dell UltraSharp 24" inch. Around 35K. Cheaper option will be Dell 2209WA (eIPS panel) around 20K. Though it does not have HD resolution, this seems to be the best monitor as far as colours and viewing angle goes. If you must have HD for cheap, then settle for Benq 2200HD.

Upgrade: Still GOOD but want to change it now. Considering a seperate keyboard & mouse this time rather than a keyboard + mouse COMBO. Thinking of Logitech Dinovo Keyboard. Not decided on Mouse yet. All suggestions welcomed.

Keyboard. Whatever looks good to you. Mouse MX518 from Logitech. let others suggest too.
Greetings morgoth,

Mate thanks alot for the reply and suggestions.

About monitor there is no cost issue for 24", but working daily on a 24" would definitely wont HELP my eyes and I really wont be comfortable.

Hence any other good recommendation for 19" or 22" will be good :) .

Best Regards,
handsomeabhi said:
Greetings morgoth,

Mate thanks alot for the reply and suggestions.

About monitor there is no cost issue for 24", but working daily on a 24" would definitely wont HELP my eyes and I really wont be comfortable.

Hence any other good recommendation for 19" or 22" will be good :) .

Best Regards,
Well, I have a 22" inch monitor and I don't think it is all that big. In fact it feels great and I upgraded from 17".

If you don't want 24" monitor get 22" monitor. And go for Dell 2209WA. Now this won't be a HD-res monitor but yet has more screen space (16:10) than the HD res Benq 2200 (16:9). However, the bigger advantages with Dell 2209WA will be really good colours, true black and very good viewing angles (better movie experience) as compared to Benq one. Even with down scaling, 1080p content looks amazing on 22" monitor. in fact, even upscaled 720p looks great on it.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes I will definitely go for the 22" this time :). Dell monitors look really GOOD. I hope there is a HD 22" monitor with Dell also ?

About your RAM recommendation of Gskill 900MHz 2X2GB will it work as the motherboard supports Dual-channel DDR2 1066/800/667 MHz. You can real motherboard specifications over here:


Someone also suggested Corsair dominator 8500(1066MHZ). So shall I go for Corsair or GSkill ?

And I really liked all the good reviews for the GPU suggested by you, Sapphire 4850 X2. I am thinking of connecting 2 Sapphire 4850 X2, so will the SMPS Corsair TX650 suggested by you be enough to have 2 Sapphire 4850 X2 on board ?

Looking forward for your HELPFUL reply :hap2:

Best Regards,

morgoth said:
Well, I have a 22" inch monitor and I don't think it is all that big. In fact it feels great and I upgraded from 17".

If you don't want 24" monitor get 22" monitor. And go for Dell 2209WA. Now this won't be a HD-res monitor but yet has more screen space (16:10) than the HD res Benq 2200 (16:9). However, the bigger advantages with Dell 2209WA will be really good colours, true black and very good viewing angles (better movie experience) as compared to Benq one. Even with down scaling, 1080p content looks amazing on 22" monitor. in fact, even upscaled 720p looks great on it.