Monitors Help - Viewsonic LCD has developed Red Tint


Hi Guys,

I need some help with my LCD problem. I have an almost 3 year old Viewsonic 22" LCD monitor - VA2226w with max res of 1680x1050. A few days back while waiting for some download, I was bored so was checking the OSD options on monitor. I did a Memory recall, which is like a Factory reset I think. Problem is that immediately my screen got weird with a Red Tint and the picture shifted right such that left half of screen was blank. I tried doing Auto Image Adjust and Memory Recall again but the problem didn't go away. Next I shutdown my system and power everything off, waited a few minutes and then powered it back up. This time the screen position was fine, but the Red Tint won't go away.

I tried adjusting the RGB settings via Monitor OSD Menu, brought down Red Color setting to 0, but still no luck. There is a very noticeable Red Tint all over. Its most noticeable on Black background. I have stopped getting pure black color now, its all reddish. I even tried using a different VGA cable, still no change. Next I plugged in the LCD to my Laptop, still the same issue. This confirms that the problem is not in my system or the VGA cable, but in the LCD itself.

Does anyone here have any idea how to fic this? Is there a hard reset way for the Viewsonic LCD? I'd appreciate any help and/or advise regarding this issue.

its due to the non refreshing capacity of the red crystal on the panel, common problem found on very old monitors.High power panel refreshing can be executed for the same , BUT only available with Expert LCD technicians, even the Viewsonic India ASP will not do the same. Also multiple recalls may gradually reduce the same ...
amd999 said:
its due to the non refreshing capacity of the red crystal on the panel, common problem found on very old monitors.High power panel refreshing can be executed for the same , BUT only available with Expert LCD technicians, even the Viewsonic India ASP will not do the same. Also multiple recalls may gradually reduce the same ...

Oh, do you mean multiple recalls are bad? I thought recall would only roll back any adjustments to factory defaults. I am surprised that such an action would have effect on the LCD electronics :(

What options do you think I have? I think Monitor is in warranty still. Viewsonic has 3 years warranty right? Do I need to take it to Viewsonic Service center or give to some local LCD repair guy?


amd999 said:
its due to the non refreshing capacity of the red crystal on the panel, common problem found on very old monitors.High power panel refreshing can be executed for the same , BUT only available with Expert LCD technicians, even the Viewsonic India ASP will not do the same. Also multiple recalls may gradually reduce the same ...

i didnt understand what you meant. what red crystal? and what does high power panel refresh mean?

isnt the tint due to backlight bleed?
Hi Guys,

Does anyone has any advice on this problem? Also does anyone here know of Viewsonic's support procedures? Is the support onsite or do I need to take my monitor to their service center?


Is it still in warranty? If yes, get it rma'd. Viewsonic will send somebody to your house to check the monitor.

If not, dont bother with Viewsonic service. They wont come, nor will they reply to your mail or questions.