Help with GRE + some general advice needed

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still not sure :ashamed: CAT '08 is just 2 months away. GRE scores are valid for 5 years right ? lets see ;)
been searching for colleges.

AMSC Group

this one caught my eye. Texas A&M seems not too expensive, they seem to have a strong faculty in Analog circuit design ( most other univs focus on robodics , digital and commn stuff, which I'm not very interested in ) And i think i stand a good chance of getting in , too!

any opinions :)
as such tamu is supposed to be a really good univ.

what i would suggest however would be for you to trawl & for old posts nd threads. edulix being slightly better off among the two. dont bother with putting up threads though. you'll be lucky to get responses. there are tonnes of idiots asking for profile evals on these sites.. however, till about a year or two ago these two sites used to be really really good. so it would help to go through all the old threads.

you could take the help of and the usnews rankings to come up with a set of 20 or uni's that seem to be decent for whatever you are looking to do and then follow that up with a proper analysis of the individual departments. i would suggest that you spend some quality time on this and also on making your SOP.

ATB :)
one more thing. How do I go about registering for GRE:ashamed:
Biosbhai has delegated this one to me , and i've no idea :gap:
greenhorn said:
been searching for colleges.
AMSC Group
this one caught my eye. Texas A&M seems not too expensive, they seem to have a strong faculty in Analog circuit design ( most other univs focus on robodics , digital and commn stuff, which I'm not very interested in ) And i think i stand a good chance of getting in , too!

any opinions :)

well tamu has an odd trend of accepting only students from NIT's and IIT's, its waste of application money if one is not from these two.
agent_47 said:
well tamu has an odd trend of accepting only students from NIT's and IIT's, its waste of application money if one is not from these two.

thats complete bs. tons of desis get in from even crappy colleges.
hey 1st of all Congos buddy on the GRE score.awesome considering u had < 24 hrs preparation .

Like somebody said do chk out , very good forum with helpful guys.

Just post ur profile there along with some univs and they'll tell you which ones u shud keep in ur list and which ones r to be removed.

Also yes the entire package matters....if it was only based on GRE score i would never have gotten into Goergia Tech :) ... so start preparing ur SOP and recos .

good luck buddy.
agent_47 said:
well tamu has an odd trend of accepting only students from NIT's and IIT's, its waste of application money if one is not from these two.

Grease Monk, Even I've seen the same statement elsewhere that they strongly prefer IIT/NIT folk. While there may be one or two from other colleges, can you say with certainity that it is not so?
got 2 collegemates in tamu now. we werent from a very good coll (although it was under anna that may help). I went to visit them, and met one of my schoolmates there as well. Not from a NIT\IIT level coll either. Neither were any of his roomies or close friends. My brother was under madras univ which is way way down compared to anna univ, and he got an admit into tamu as well. tamu loves desi students, as long as your research interests mesh well with theirs, and you did decently in school, its very well worth your time applying for it for the reasons you mentioned (great coll and cheap)
thanks :D

now I gotta find some other colleges which focus on the analog side of things :)

My inquiries at Edulix are leading nowhere.... And I dont want to bump /grovel too much
what are the risks or disadvantages or advantages (if any... :S) of having multiple GRE scores or multiple GRE attempts ???????????? plz help? and btw greenhorn...thats unbelievable score u got and that too in <24 hrs..u must be having the brain of an IITian or somethin'....
greenhorn said:
thanks :D

now I gotta find some other colleges which focus on the analog side of things :)

My inquiries at Edulix are leading nowhere.... And I dont want to bump /grovel too much

already told you :lol: edulix nowadays is good only for its database.

@balkazzar. wait a lil while and you'll find out :lol: i've given the gre twice. got a pathetic 1260 first time around. gave it again and managed 1420 this time around. not exactly the best score. but still a decent one i guess.

if you ever decide that you need to give a second attempt, just ensure that you dont drop below your previous score. other than that its pretty cool i guess.
thanks for the reply stalker............wot do u mean by the following?? plz man..u r scaring the hell out of me....:S....plz describe...

@balkazzar. wait a lil while and you'll find out i've given the gre twice

i have done a lot of googling and also on google they just mention that they will take either the best or the average of the scores depending on the university...........are there any risks or disadvantages involved by giving GRE multiple times.......??????/ plz tell............i m already feeling sick in my stomach....
Balkazzaar said:
thanks for the reply stalker............wot do u mean by the following?? plz man..u r scaring the hell out of me....:S....plz describe...

arre.. wait a lil while and i'll give you first hand experience.

Balkazzaar said:
i have done a lot of googling and also on google they just mention that they will take either the best or the average of the scores depending on the university...........are there any risks or disadvantages involved by giving GRE multiple times.......??????/ plz tell............i m already feeling sick in my stomach....

various uni's have different ways of assessing. chill out. dont worry too much
arre.. wait a lil while and i'll give you first hand experience.

arre then..plz give me ur first hand experience...or atleast describe it...i m already freaking out of tension....GRE seems to be the only way out for my situation....that's y desperate.....:S :(

now by the way u r describing things...i feel GRE just doesn't seem to b my cup of tea...plz help....;(
have you written other competitive exams based on multiple choice before ( CAT etc) if you have , it will be easy. Its like learning to play FPS, once you learn how to aim, shoot and dodge , there are only a few differences between these tests, and all you will need is a little practice and strategy ( the most important )
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