Help with I Phone

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Hi Guys..i jrecently got an I phone. After using Nokia for a decade getting on with I Phone is quite a challenge. Im not much of techo freak but was trying to manage ring tones / screen savers download from web & my laptop on to I Phone but its just not happening.

Can some1 pls help me with these basics or anything else that would help me in getting ON with I phone.

tks a tonne

You have a lot to catch up on. I suggest you start reading the iPhone threads here then head to and and read the stickies there.
Thanks Buddy. i guess i need to start with Unlocking my Iphone. There are too many options on this forum as well as You tube. Just not sure which one to follow.
Can you guide me to an easier link from where i can Unlock my Iphone

tks a tonne
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