Storage Solutions help with new IDE hard drive.

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I have the old Intel Mobo 845Gebv2
that has ATA 66/100 HDD support.

My old 80g HDD has crashed and I want to buy a new one.

I want to ask, will the new IDE HDDs available in the market be compatible with my old mobo??

Is there any new standard that I should not buy?

I can spend 2-2.5 K for that.
Another thing to keep in mind would be to see BIOS limitations on the capacity of the drives it can recognize. (Read about it on I did the same kind of research a few days ago while looking for my laptop.. Apparently my Motherboard has the same kind of limitation but it seems to be ok for me as I use linux which doesn't rely on BIOS for the hard disk size, but I guess Windows does (atleast XP does).. Anyways, even if you do run into this issue, they say that you can get away by creating smaller partitions..

I'll let you know if my drive works fine (I haven't got it yet)
If possible, sell the mobo/procc/ram and get a new AMD setup for cheap. for 2 - 2.5k you can get a 500gb hdd. Why wasting money by paying more for a low capacity/interface hdd for use with a setup which you are going to throw/sell in the near future..

Moreover you will have to get a SATA converter if you are going for SATA HDD (in case ur mobo welcomes 48bit LBA).
So there u will have to spend around 150 - 200 i guess....

get a athlon/sempron
m2n68 mobo
ddr2 1g ram and b happy....
dhawald3 said:

I have the old Intel Mobo 845Gebv2
that has ATA 66/100 HDD support.

My old 80g HDD has crashed and I want to buy a new one.

I want to ask, will the new IDE HDDs available in the market be compatible with my old mobo??

Is there any new standard that I should not buy?

I can spend 2-2.5 K for that.
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