Help with PSP Slim Unlock

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Anish, I'm going to be in Goa next weekend, South side, with a phat running 4.01. Staying at La Calypso or the Village. PM me, we can set something up.
Rave said:
man its about time someone put up a howto on this

maybe Anish since ure doing it u can put a detailed thread :P

well i have come across many great tutorials and guides from gaming forums and private trackers on how to and other stuff for gaming consoles. if people are interested, i can copy paste the stuff in new threads :)
TechHead said:
Anish, I'm going to be in Goa next weekend, South side, with a phat running 4.01. Staying at La Calypso or the Village. PM me, we can set something up.
Oh sweet! Definitely, I'll PM you in a bit!
dharmilstar said:
well i have come across many great tutorials and guides from gaming forums and private trackers on how to and other stuff for gaming consoles. if people are interested, i can copy paste the stuff in new threads :)
Please do so, it'll be great!
Any such place in chennai to get the Slim unlocked?
Also please mentioned the amount that I would be charged? :ashamed:

Thanks :P
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