help with sorting albums in ipod

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i need to sort out my albums, quite many of them both hindi and english in my ipod 30gb 5th gen. basically i want my songs organised into :

1.hindi1(which contains some hindi albums,mostly of 90's up to 2003)

2.hindi 2(the latest ones)

3.old(lata and kishore songs)

4.english 1(the old ones)

5.english 2(the latest ones)

what i could do is only arrrange albums, and they are so many that i find it difficult to navigate!

thanks for any help !!
Try using one of the often unused fields in ID3 tag info.

For example, use the Genre tag.

Put all you Hindi 1 Songs into iTunes. Select all, right click, Get Info.
There in the Genre tag, input Hindi 1 (or what ever you want to call it)

Do that for all you fields.

Then in your ipod, navigate using the genre field. You can also put it on your main menu by changing settings.
i like to see the genre of the song i'm listening to,so i would do that only if they r hindi and not english.secondly playlists do help, but i cant browse albums under playlists.all i can see is raw list of songs and since there are 796 of them in hindi 1(more will be there in english 1) , so thats again a problem.

any more ideas on viewing albums inside playlists?

thanx whatsinaname and nikhil!!
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