Heroes Season Finale

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Just finished off seeing the season finale, frackin amazing man

One of the best series this fall; the part where every hero comes to the rescue, that was AMAZING, no other words for it

Cant wait for Volume II :ohyeah:

So, have you seen the best show on TV errr bittorrent :tongue:
Geez I should really start watching Heroes now, Iv heard alot about this and how good and amzing blah blah it is....
Its only after half season that you will really start enjoying it. Otherwise it just feels boring. Unfortunately I left it at episode 12.
ReNaGAde said:
Season 2 is no where as good as season 1, was very disappointed after waiting for it for a month. :(

yeah, season 2 was suchhhhhhhhhh a disappointment, btw, which show are u talking about :tongue:

@floccy, give it a go dude, u wont regret it

@Renegade, strangely i found the first 2 or 3 episodes very interesting, the story buildup part and especially the beginning and end narrations; and ofcourse the show kept on getting better and better :hap2:
Renegade said:
Its only after half season that you will really start enjoying it. Otherwise it just feels boring. Unfortunately I left it at episode 12.
Ditto ... 11 ...

How many epis does the 1st season have ?
I dint like th FINALE....it was lame..!!
so many questions unanswered.

1) was expecting a good fight betn Sylar and Peter?
2) What happened to peter and nathan?
3) why did sylar not kill Hiro wen he still had time wen hiro was talking.
4) Was no need to drag Peter in the past discussing same lame thing and that too in FINALE.
It should have been more exciting..
well i agree that i was expecting a good fight sequence, but the all heroes coming together was a good move

for rest of the points, every story has its drawbacks and ofcourse must pave way for the next story to begin

You remember Molly Walker saying she can't track one guy, a guy who can kno when he is being tracked, well me thinks thats the next volume if this was Sylar, or may be Sylar killing that guy :P
i liked the nathan petrelli bit , was very good . Heroes in true sense .
I like where hero is left off in feudal Japan ...cant wait .

I hear a Hero Mini series of 6 episodes will be starting soon . :) something to look forward to :)
its actually


They will be showing story of different hero everytime and with online poll they will determine which character to include in coming season.
was expecting a good fight betn Sylar and Peter?

This is the point I agree on the most... they built this part up soooo much, that I expected a little more out of this fight scene. However, I enjoyed both seasons , and found them both quite riveting. The story was very well integrated, and everything was tied in together extremely well. All in all, one of my favorite tv shows in a long time.

The only other show I end up watching a lot of, is because my wife loves it :P and I am forced to watch :chair: Footballers wives..
btw it was this was the 1st season of Heroes ;) 2nd season is yet to come which will start in Fall this year...

There was a usual seasonal break in between after which the series resumed :)
i've been closely following heroes...was looking for the season finale....frankly a bit disappointed...was expecting some big fights or special effects betn sylar and peter/hiro....

so far ep 20 was the best - 5years into the future..

OT: prison break 2 seasons are the best tv series avl...mindblowing!
^^ i thought ending heroes s1 on a sober note made sense.. or else it would make people demand a lot more from the show.. which may not be a good thing..

and the questions u guys have asked. come on.. if they do answer everything now, what's left for s2?? sheesh.

and oh for those who think heroes was in its second season... it was still first season, they just took long breaks in between.. :P
Cmon...the builtup was huge... Sylar this sylar that..absorbing all powers..the one of hearing and all..

plus even if we dont consider the fight..i still think it was wasnt at par.. Why the need to waste time in Peters Dream...what conclusion came out it which affected the final ending..?? NONE

Finale is suppose to be pacy,very fast... not so lame dreaming around...and Nathan peterreli convincing claire ..these things were time wasters.!!

yep "Five Years Gone" was a very good one..!!

hoping for a better next season
Whoaa..Just saw the episode.. Personally i thought they ended it nicely.. So many unanswered questions! Lol waiting for Season 2..

*Goes to bed to get up early and put lost for download*
well i dont know what you people are crying about. the ending was pretty good

Heroes has not been portrayed as some Japanese anime cartoon ( wotever you all it) so sylar vs peter "showdown" was never in the picture.

and its not a typical season finale as its supposed to carve the way to the next season so it left us with many unanswered questions and doubts which i believe is perfect.... so 10/10 to the final episode :hap2:
The ending was awesome. It at least had some sort of conclusion !!

Smallville and Prisonbreak are pathetic that way. They leave SO BLOODY MANY unanswered questions that you feel like murdering the producers of the show.

Honestly, that is really really pissing off.

I loved Heroes. And yes, the "fight" between Sylar and Peter were not as good as expected. But it's ok.

I loved the way almost everyone chips in at the end. Brilliant.

And is it just my imagination or were the producers hinting at a big family (Nicky, DL, Micah and Molly )?? T
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