Herro everynan, how are you? I am fine sank you.


Pardon my manners, should have introduced myself first thing.

I have the dismal fate of hailing from Delhi, fortunately being an ape is funny. I have a problem, I spend too much time watching YT videos about stuff I don't even own and way too little getting work done. Have I ever bought an apple product? No. Do I know they come with a file with the LotR timeline by default? Hell Yeah. Do I own multiple computers? I dread the day when I begin to. Will I watch a 3 hour video explaining how a certain KVM is better than others? You bet.

So in addition to wallowing in self-pity over who keeps stealing the hours from my clock whenever I open YouTube, I have now decided to wallow in self pity over talking about tech to the people in my screen (My therapist says I don't need schizo meds, I'll prove her wrong).

I am here to flex my tech gyan and be immediately humbled by y'all. Cheers and Happy Diwali.

I wish I were a bird.