Hey Nikhil ...shutdown ur PC and rediff mail a/c .....

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I have been receiving lots of junk / spam mail from ur Email address. what could be the reason ??
why dont you log off ... i see you are online practically the whole of last night why dont you switch off ur pc for a few hours and inform the rediff guys about this problem.
also receiving a few mails from Vishal_Kadakia's email a/c.

anyother TE member receiving these mails ??

Is something or somebody related to TT or Channeltimes behind this ??
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emails ids can be easily spoofed. I've got a lot of spam from known friends even though they are not reponsible for it. To solve this problem yahoo had introduced Domain keys not sure about the other mail providers. I am sure Nikhil or Vishal have nothing to do with this........

More on domain keys http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys
I know nihkil and vishal have nothing to do with this ...since nikhil had mentioned this problem to me yesterday afternoon ....
but i want to see what happens if his m/c is switched off.....
apparently he is online on msn (away) and has not replied to any of my attempts to contact him ...so i presume he is away from the m/c ...
and i cannot take risk to send him an email to his rediff a/c now ....!!!!

i have forwarded the mail headers to both XT and inzider and both say that it is a worm ....and there is a possibility that his m/c is infected.
Hmm my opinion is that the mails are being spoofed from a infected machine or a spambot, but necessarily Nikhils. On the other hand nikhil better scan his machine with updated AV.
Blade_Runner said:
Hmm my opinion is that the mails are being spoofed from a infected machine or a spambot, but necessarily Nikhils. On the other hand nikhil better scan his machine with updated AV.
thats my thinking too. hence my request to him to switch off / log off his m/c from the net for the timebeing ...but the problem is how to contact him ?? anybody has his mobile nos. ?? , if so kindly pm me the nos.
Hey guys!!!

There is NO problem with my PC. I have scanned 3 times since this problem started.

Let me explain.

There is a loooong lost of members on the ASK Techtree section. Many of these members are recieving mails from each other. For example, a member called Avimanu recived tons of mails from me. But I dont even have his email address... I have the email address of only a few people on the ASK TT list. And none of the email IDs I know are the same ones the respective members used to register at TT.

But they are getting the spam mails at the addresses they used to register at TT.

I have many more names in my address book in my rediff account. NONE of them have got any emails from me. And the guys who are getting the mails are not even there in my address book.

Now, please tell me if you still believe that my computer is at fault?? I dont have the emails used to register at TT of any of the members at ASK TT. I have different email addresses of some of the members. Like, I have Vishal's yahoo ID, Sandeep's yahoo ID, etc.... But these 2 are recieving my mails in their hotmail account. I dont even know their hotmail IDs.

And I did not even know DJ's email ID till recently. But abt 3 days back, I got 58 mails saying that the mails could not delivered to his email address. Only then I realised that it was trying to send mails to him.

Pray tell me, if this is my fault..... This just proves that ASK TT has been hacked. It is not my comp's fault or anything like that.

I dont even have the email addresses of people getting my mails!!!!

BTW, this has nothing to do with my PC. So, me being online forever does not solve the problem. And anyway, I had gone out, so was not able to reply to DJ's IMs.

I also dont think anyone on TE will recieve these mails unless they are on the ASK TT members list.

@DJ --- Please block my email address..... My rediffmail account is not my primary email account anyway. I keep that account for registering and stuff like that
just a curious question deejay

are this mails are sized about 181 kb?

i m getting too in my hotmail acount but they are directly going in junk folder and i am dumping them in trash. not so much as you are pointing and also not from nikhil but some other id.

seems to be worm on prawl...

ps: we need dexter here to assess the attachment in this mails. he has interest in virus dissection.
hhi deejay, nikhil and every1 involed in this thread,

this problem is happening with every person who has registered with techtree.coms ask techtree section. i have a feeling that the entire database si either hacked or hijacked where someone is spoofing mail ids and sending mails frm each others accounts. i am receiving atleast 100+ mails frm nikhil, i think hez infected with the sober worm, but he claims his system is clean, which i certainly doubt. if any1 has noticed these mails are sized anywhere inbtw 180 and 200k and contain explicit content like porn and forwarded messages or asking u to reply and all these mails are somehow scripted, so if u open them even once, the script takes over.

what i suggest is that we all block the mail addresses that are sending us mails, now the only problem is that for some of us, the adress where we are receiving those mails is our promary acoount or id. for this, i have a solution, if every1 can download a software called mailwasher, and configure for whatever service u use, it can be configured for hotmail, yahoo, pop3 and gmail. this software, lets u see all the mails u have received even b4 they goto ur mailbox. i first use this software, chk my mails and block the ones i dont wish there itself so they dont get to our mailbox and even junk mail folders.

i think deejay, u, me and rahul jawale are old members of techtree and we should take up the matter to the staff @ techtree. we can talk to ameya dalvi as many say hez the new editor in place of varun.. lemme know what u thingk regarding this.

guys lets all start blocking each others mails and if u wanna mail me for any legit eork, please pm me and i shall have u my mail id where u can mail me.
having the same problem
i got atleast 100+ emails from nikhil and around 20 or so from vishals address
and the email size is 100-200 kb
one thing i cant understand is why only both these guys add and not the others on TT
Maybe coz we are the top 2 posters on ASK TT....

@vishal --- If you dont believe that my system is clean, there is nothing I can do. Of course, if you want, please come to Bangalore and inspect my system personally.... IO guess that is the only thing that wll satisfy you.

When you are also "sending" mails to other people, why is it that your system is not infected but only mine is?? Dont have double standards dude.

If people are getting mails from you also, and you say that my system is infected then your system is infected too.... You are not making any sense.

Any sane logically thinking person reading this thread will know that it is ASK TT's database which has been compromised. Dont blame me or my comp maintainence abilities :@
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hey to be honest, nikhil, i have jus formatted my hdd jus 4 days b4 as i have got a new 300gn hdd. whatever and whoever is sending these mails, one thinf is for sure they gotta be stopped.
So, see if your HDD is clean but still people are getting mails from you, then on what basis are you saying that my PC is "dirty" ??
Nikhil, when we had chatted yesterday afternoon , and you told me about this phenomenon didn't we agree that the suspicion is towards TT servers being compromised, or some disgruntuled employee there, who has access to the mailing list / email id / password list there might be behind this .??
Then what makes you think i /we are doubting you or ur m/c ??
i just wanted to confirm whether these emails were being routed through your m/c without your knowledge ....and the only way to rule out that possibility is by switching of your m/c for a few hours ...dont you agree we should rule out these possibilities ??
it would be better that instead of members, here, flaming each other we jointly investigate this issue ... what do you say ??

As blade pointed out earlier these emails could be spoofed
by somebody ..... who is it we have to trace that guy ....

and i swear by god if i get to know the identity of the guy he would be taken to the most "cosy" cell at either Tihar Jail or the army one at Red Fort.....for the best cooling off of his life......
Yeah well.... Anyway my comp is clean. Nothing on my comp.

And yeah, I wish I could find out who is doing this..... Just block my email addresses guys..... please.....
hi guys,

deejay u damn right, if the guy doing this ever traced, i guesss hez in for the most expensive spamming suit ever done...bet ya that.

nikhil, dude i am not gunning u or ur pc, please understand this, the mails i receive frm ur yahoo id have w32.sober worm, each and every1 of them.

deejay, most funniest part, i am not sending u but i am receiving mails frm postmaster, showing me ur in2cable id where the mail couldnot be delivered.

yes, u right, this gotta be someone deep inside techtree running some foul play which i guess the senior staff isint aware. on my part, i have mailed ameya dalvi 4 times, hell not even 1 reply but 1 post on ask techtree which makes no sense at all.

today, i am planning to trace the headres coz in mailwasher i get more info then i can get on my hotmail inbox regarding the headers, lets hope i find something worth sharing with u all.
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