Heyyyy I Got The Rayyyy

The LG GGW H20L x 2

BR R/RW , HD DVD Read , DVD +- R/RW , CD

1 for TechHead And 1 for Me. :)

Price : 5993 INR :)

Enjoy the pics this how it looks.

The Box

In Action

Just tested if its working in the afternoon haven't got time to check out more.
bought from bombay itself at that price or from outside ? what can u do with blueray here as of now ? im not sure if i should take the jump onto this one yet.
Quad Master said:
The LG GGW H20L x 2
BR R/RW , HD DVD Read , DVD +- R/RW , CD

1 for TechHead And 1 for Me. :)

Price : 5993 INR :)

Enjoy the pics this how it looks.

The Box

In Action

Just tested if its working in the afternoon haven't got time to check out more.

great buy.

i too got 1.

now lets make a thread for the media. hehe
Dark Star said:
Congrats : ) It seems that Blue Ray/HD DVD players rates has trembled . Are PC players also available at same price tag ?

err the drive above is a pc one & blu-ray+dvd+cd burner with hd-dvd reader :p
congozz all!!

where is appo ? He too got one.

My plasma has left me with a sparce "tech budget" ;)

so had to give the great deal a miss.
thexfactor said:
Congrats mate, so wut u planning to do with it

Burn BluRay , DVD and CD's :)

jesal said:
bought from bombay itself at that price or from outside ?


jesal said:
what can u do with blueray here as of now ?

What we do in other counties or states

Burn BluRay , DVD and CD , and yes watch HD DVD :)

jesal said:
im not sure if i should take the jump onto this one yet.

Well i its upto you to jump. :)

The offer at croma was too tempting to resist didnt want to miss on it when everywhere the prices are well above 10K.


This looks like a limited time offer at croma , donno if other local shops are also selling it this cheap.

Thanks to TechHead for letting me know about it.

The media might be costly now but i felt it was a good future investment with the normal price of BR burners still above 10K.
Good investment.

Congrats for having jumped into the BD wagon soon enough! :D

thats gr8 man !! me w8in for its price cut

Dont bother. Croma'd have already sold out the drives by the time you're reading this! :p
Quad Master said:
The LG GGW H20L x 2
BR R/RW , HD DVD Read , DVD +- R/RW , CD

1 for TechHead And 1 for Me. :)

Price : 5993 INR :)

Enjoy the pics this how it looks.

The Box

In Action

Just tested if its working in the afternoon haven't got time to check out more.

Hey plz tell me can we convert this blu ray burner to usb via IDE to USB converter boxes which we use for IDE DVD writer to convert into USB DVD writer?