Hi from an Architectural Visualizer

i am Vivek from Mumbai, an architect by training and an Architectural Visualizer by profession. I partner a company called Visions.

Have 26 workstations, mostly Amd X2's and a few older Athlons.

build them myself and do an average of 1 system a month.


into max I guess?

You must be having lot of work for that many workstations/PCs...

Stay around...

Iam into your field except that I do programming related stuff for graphics and sometimes some technical stuff in Maya...

A lot of Mel scripting a bit of perl and the API of Maya.


Man you have avatar of Dr Evil from the worst movie ever made in the world...

Images of him brings bad memories of hw I tortured myself seeing that movie...
hi i am an architectural visualiser too .... welcome to TE.. i have heard of visions.. havin u here and knowing each other would be great.. same profession one site .. TE.