

Hi everyone.

(i already posted a little thread 5 min ago then realized I should do this).

Basically I stumbled across this site the other day whilst trying to find some torrent sites.

I got optus cable (australia) on last week on a 60gig / month plan. I havent had internet for over 5 years, so Im happy about that.

Im into martial arts, energy healing, positive thinking etc and also meditation , recording music and spirituality stuff as well.

I basically want to get a library of this sort of stuff (once I get a removable hd)
and need find out via torrents where to get stuff, how to store it and retrieve/use it.

Im not sure what else to write here so i will update this later, maybe after I get some response from some people.

Im friendly (most of the time) and will do my best to answer any questions anyone asks me.


cheers for now:

Hello Beinger,
Nice to see u here. Can u tell me more about energy healing???I am interested in these type of stuffs. Have a Good Day.