Storage Solutions High CD drive access time and static charge probs

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Staff member
Well I have two probs...

1]. My cd-rom is taking ages to access the media. It takes like 5-10seconds. The access time should be in msecs. What could be wrong here and how can it be corrected. It is really irritating to pop in the cd and wait for it to get ready. It gets really frustating if i leave a cd in the rom while booting coz then it just gets stuck for seconds on the initial searching for drives screen in the bios startup.

2]. Now when I touch my cabinet or UPS metal body parts or even the computer screen I get a mild shock of charge. Well this prob has been there ever since I got the PC some 4-5 years back but I was just too lazy to report or ask for solutions. For the body parts it doesnt matter if the PC is on or not coz as long as the plug is in the socket I get shocks. As much as I like these mild trickling shocks I would still like to know how to get rid of this prob.
The other appliances in the house do not have any such prob.
not very sure about problem one.. try changing the cable or cleaning the lens

problem 2,looks like you dont have proper earthing for your power socket, ask an electrician to check it out
1) 1st problem could be due to the fact that the cd-rom has rung its death knell or the lens has gotten dirty.

2) Get the earthing @ ur place checked. The mild shocks are prolly due to that.
1) My CDROM always has some access time, but never that much. Usually 3s or so.
2) Had the same problem. Turned out the earthing to my entire house was screwed up.
no idea abt first problem..maybe time to get a new drive :P
abt second prob, i had the same prob and it was due to screwed up earthing.
had to re-do it for entire house (same as KingKrool). :)
In my case, the earth connection to the house main box was not working... it was broken somewhere in the ducts. So the electrician simply switched our earth wire with that of an unused flat and voila! Everything was fine!
KingKrool said:
In my case, the earth connection to the house main box was not working... it was broken somewhere in the ducts. So the electrician simply switched our earth wire with that of an unused flat and voila! Everything was fine!

lol, Same case at my home.
Ok so it means we all are living in government plan based housing and the suckers dont give required attention to earthing.
No, private builders are the same.
Look, they all give work out to some f***** up contractors who don't know thier front from their behind OK?
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