Himesh Reshammiya under threat !

I quite like Himesh Reshamiya, he is a genius business man and knows how to market his product which is why it sells in spite of being crap. Also the guy is extremely down to earth and Humble.
Himesh Reshammiya under threat?

I did not know there was a difference between cows and Himesh Reshamiya. If the aliens are abducting cows then they might abduct him as well. I dont understand what the fuss is all about :rofl:
Reminds me of mars attacks. . . . Looks like himesh singin can rip open their brains like it does ours...no wonder they want to get rid of him. . .
Bluffmaster said:
I quite like Himesh Reshamiya, he is a genius business man and knows how to market his product which is why it sells in spite of being crap. Also the guy is extremely down to earth and Humble.

i agree and i'll see his nextt movie at the theatre too
God he is an insult to music in any form, have you seen the songs from his new movie. Why dont the fundamentalist torment him for horribly misspelling and misusing the word "om " :)
OMG... What the F$%#** IndiaTV is.... How hell they think that Public will believe in them....

Thats out of Control :rofl:

Unbelievable TV Channel..
Bluffmaster said:
Tandoori Nights :rofl:
BUWAHAHAH! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Man I couldn't help but laugh at that song's lyrics.I didn't understand it first (courtesy: Nasal tone).But now it's so darn hilarious.:p