Storage Solutions Hitachi HDD recieved damaged.

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I dont know if this is the right place to post this topic. MOD please move in case this should be posted elsewhere. :)

I bought a Hitachi SATA II HDD a week back and without a close examination of the drive I installed it in my case - yesterday I wanted to copy some stuff to another drive and when I removed this drive I noticed this damage to a part which has been smashed by some sharp object. After seeing this damage I checked the plastic box the drive came in and it too had a hole right over the damaged part - looks like some object hit the protective plastic box and went thru it onto the PCB of the HDD.

My question the drive has worked fine for the last week with this damage - what is this part which I have encircled in RED - and is this likely to create problems with the HDD in future.

I have spoken to the supplier of the HDD and will take it across tomorrow but I wanted to know what the Electronis Experts from TE know about the part which is damaged.

Well, you just broke open an Inductor. Get it replaced ASAP as moisture and humidity can affect induction in the magnetic coil.
evilution said:
Well, you just broke open an Inductor. Get it replaced ASAP as moisture and humidity can affect induction in the magnetic coil.

Thanks for the info. HEY I DID NOT BREAK THIS PART !!! I received it like that. I will be going to get it replaced as soon the shop opens at 11AM. But as it has been about a week since I bought the drive it will get a little difficult to convince the people that I did not do this damage. :(
^^ Umm, yes yes, that does look like an Inductor indeed.. or is it a solenoid :S ?

Whatever it is, get it replaced ASAP :)
Anish said:
This is surely gonna be a good test of Hitachi's service...

NO MAN !!! not Hitachi .... my supplier..... this RMA will NOT involve Hitachi. On the plastic box there is a sticker of Cyberstar Bangalore. BUT I have a feeling this will be between the local supplier and me.
yes its cyberstar i got the info frm comp selection which mentions there service centre location somwhere near khetwadi....guy mentioned...ard 2-3 stops away frm lamington
Anish said:
^^ Umm, yes yes, that does look like an Inductor indeed.. or is it a solenoid :S ?

Whatever it is, get it replaced ASAP :)

Inductor and solenoid are the same i think. This really is a test of Hitachi's service. My next purchase will be very much influenced by what happens here. Keep us updated Eazy. And even if he doesnt replace it and refuses to fix/repair its simple to replace. So not a big problem. That will surely void the warranty, which is non-existant anyway.

Raghunandan said:
This really is a test of Hitachi's service. My next purchase will be very much influenced by what happens here. Keep us updated Eazy. And even if he doesnt replace it and refuses to fix/repair its simple to replace. So not a big problem. That will surely void the warranty, which is non-existant anyway.

Nai Yaar ... the problem has to be sorted out between me and the supplier ... Hitachi will not be involved in the replacement relationship with this supplier has been more than that of a seller/client ... way beyond that ..... but I have been extremely disappointed in this whole affair. I did not expect to be kept waiting for a replacement even for an hour .. it should have been like - "You have a problem with the HDD - here take this new drive" ... MAN I was responsible for them getting stocks of these drives in the first place :( It brings tears to my eyes to be treated as a unknown customer who has damaged the drive and is trying to get a replacement. On top of that the things that have been said really have hurt me a lot. Frankly I am MAD enough NOT to accept a replacement HDD and just walking away from this whole sordid affair.
I got the replacement drive today as promised.

As I expected ... the drive was replaced across the table from his stock ... I did not have to wait for the HDD to be sent to Cyberstar Bangalore or Hitachi (wherever they are) for a replacement. This is the service I normally get from this dude. :clap:

^ So you jumped the gun, i just hope your dealer is not reading this ;)

So all's well that end's well. :)


Edit after Eazy's post below : I cant delete it, but i have submitted post #11 for deletion.
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