Home Inverter & Battery


Wish to select a Pure Sine Wave Home inverter, regarding which i have following queries. Pls, advise.

1. Wish to buy a inverter which can be connected with single/doubler battery. Second battery in parallel mode instead of series mode.
2. Does connecting second battery will put some side effect on inverter?
3. In double battery mode, charging efficiency - amount and speed will get affected?
4. Does AH rating of battery has anything to be done regarding charging speed/amount of battery?
4. I have sort listed Luminous Pure Sine inverts (in priority):
a. Tez 900 VA
b. Rapid Charge 1500
c. Zelio
d. Eco Series

5. Since, my area don't have good Exide service support. So, wishing to buy Luminous battery. Regarding this battery description on Luminous home Regarding is sufficient enough to select with confidence. Same with inverter model as well.

Pls, suggest, pairs of "inverter & battery models" for long duration power cuts.

Thanks and regards-
1. You can do it.
2. Nope
3. Power consumption is high and it has nothing to do with the efficiency.

Regarding battery and inverter, its better you buy from the same brand since now a days they're refusing to repair giving lame excuses that its battery's fault & battery's not theirs.

Tell us in brief what you need to power up during power cuts?
4 higher the AH rating, higher will be the battery backup.

5 buy luminous inverter and you will get luminous batteries. But once they dead you may have ltd choice and have to go either for exide or amaron.
Yes you can visit/contact luminous and they may give you the same original batteries but will be costly.
But don't worry as of yet coz the new batteries will easily last you 3yrs or more.