i guess the batter might be discharged... just put in a temporary new battery, start the car, and once it starts replace the new with the old one... simple...
if u have other car around give a jump start and run the car for 20-30 mins...and than after shutting check again after couple of hours whether it works....
Normally my santro battery gets discharge as i hardly use it...i give it for charging the guy charges 40-70 buks...depending on shop an a day to charge.....also dont pay more than 10 buks for water....no idea abt accord btw..i m talking in general regarding my car logic
How old is the battery, get it charged from the battery shop, they even check the Sp. gravity of the acid to find out if its in good shape or not. If even after full charging it discharges fast then you will need to get it changed...
Its just a discharged battery. It may still have useful life left. Either jumpstart it using another car or use it the standard desi way - ask a few people to push :rofl:.
^^There are two types of autocop - one with immobilizer and one without. If he has the one without, it will work. I'm still wondering why one needs autocop on a honda accord though. Doesn't it come with a security system from factory?