HOT DEAL! Get a wife with the ASUS EEE PC!

soggy316 said:
I sincerely hope no one gets the bright idea to post pics of the 7" compact in the showoff section :p
What about wives in SLI? or would a single X2 model be better?
you'll need a bigger power supply (NB : *Wallet power* ;) ) to run 2 wives in SLI :p
silicon or silicone?

Anyway adding more silicone does wonders to the benchmark score of guys (the 1-10 scale one) doesn't it?
sensing the mood of this thread of ppl wanting lots of wives ...i assume most of you are not married :p

i wonder which will be more buggy the windows os or the wife
AS we can see, the hardware part of the wife is allmost as good as it gets for most specimens. But, the real difference is when it comes th the OS running in the brain (or the '3rd party' [-read friends/relatives] drivers that screw with the otherwise stable OS). Just like windows.

Also, just like windows, a group of similar specimens are fine together but when a slick one like OSX comes along into the group do the problems begin.