How AI works

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You probably don’t think that the average rabbit is particularly intelligent. They generally like eating grass, hopping around and digging holes (wonder if it's time to change my avatar :ashamed: ). How complicated could such a small animal be?

Well, in early 2008, IBM embarked on a project to digitally simulate the cerebral cortex of such a small mammal at the Thomas J Watson Research Center. The test used 8,192 processors and 2.8TB of memory on the Blue Gene-L supercomputer to simulate the 22 million neurons and 11 billion synapses found in the16cm2 cortical surface of a rabbit’s brain.

Simulating even primitive intelligence is extremely demanding, so how does a basic PC go about simulating human intelligence in multiple game characters at once? | Feature - How AI in Games Works
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Very intersting. The article didn't delve much into fuzzy logic. AI characters need to make mistakes like real humans.

It's very easy to program the AI to take headshots 100% of the time or to program an AI controlled car to stick to the track but building a truely random/skill based mistake system is a job in itself!
sahilm said:
Very intersting. The article didn't delve much into fuzzy logic. AI characters need to make mistakes like real humans.

It's very easy to program the AI to take headshots 100% of the time or to program an AI controlled car to stick to the track but building a truly random/skill based mistake system is a job in itself!

LOL :rofl: :ohyeah:
Nice way to explain the intricacies of the A.I system.
This kind of stuff is what proves the existence of a more intelligent being/ supernatural...

How else would such complicated stuff would create itself ? All from a sperm and egg. That thing which is not even visible to the naked eye, creats itself by cell division to look like with features to replicate a normal rabbit. Same applies to each and every living thing...Wonderous Isnt it ?
SharekhaN said:
This kind of stuff is what proves the existence of a more intelligent being/ supernatural...

How else would such complicated stuff would create itself ?
Flying Spaghetti Monster.
sahilm said:
Very intersting. The article didn't delve much into fuzzy logic. AI characters need to make mistakes like real humans.

It's very easy to program the AI to take headshots 100% of the time or to program an AI controlled car to stick to the track but building a truely random/skill based mistake system is a job in itself!

Well even human logic/behavior is partially acquired; U can never "simulate" true "randomness" ... if one could do it, it'd be real life I-Robot or Terminator sort :P .. now that is something no one will want :P
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