sujit801 said:Very true - it depends a lot on the source. I would say, check the video bitrate of the source (avi), it should be a min of 1200 kbps. If less, the output wouldnt be worth the effort (quality would be similar to VCD).
Also, the quality would depend on the conversion method used. Using softwares like ConvertXtoDVD, would give you quick results, but at the loss of quality.
Instead if you use the method suggested by shaunak, it will take time, but give you better results. I have spent almost 4 days, converting a DVD to x264 using 'insane' preset for a 3 hr movie. The time is worth the effort when you see the quality :hap2:
You are living up to the name of the preset that you are using.

3 days just to convert a 3 hour movie!!!
You are insane.
Too much electricity wasted on a stupid movie. It could have had been better used by somebody in the villages who have no electricity. I would rather lose quality than waste so much money and national resource on just a movie.
It is better to buy an original DVD as you are spending an amount close to that. It would help the production house too.