How did you come up with your username?

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welll in my case:

taken cri from cricket and three sss are three tops batsmens of indian team sachin,sourav and sehwag.. thought of dravid but i felt sss is better than ssd
1.)Was a big fan of Ryan Giggs in my school and college days, so much so that had acquired the nick name, 'Ryan' in my batch. :P

2.)Saving Private Ryan happens to be one of my all time favorite movies.

3.) Was available on TE. :P

*Sorry for bumping an 8 month old thread. Maybe newer members will also find this thread interesting.:P*
^ Yo welcome back. Been a long time huh?

@topic: Well, my name is Arihant and I've always been fascinated with software hence the ".exe"(but that doesn't make me any platform specific :P).
given a chance, would love to change my username...

but missed the bus last time around... and turns out it was probably the last bus....
Dunno ... heard d name dark.lord somewhere ... in some movie i think so used it ... putting rules at the end lol ....
and my gaming alias is "invisius" was thinking about a nick name n this word struck my mind ... donno what does it means thou
My ID Is Nothing But the name Of the Crappiest Character Of the Crappiest Actor I know

Never thought Before choosing It,Just Typed,thats the first name that came to mind

My other Alias Is Stonecaper Which was banned in TE Coz I was inactive :(

It Has no Meaning,But a Kinda Mysterious Feel to it

And both the IDs are Always available :)
well mine is simple too...
my friends call me ragz instead of raghav..
and diablo was the first game i was really hooked on too...played it day and night..with every character on all levels..
so diablo has become my gaming name since then...
my rig, my ign..everything.. :D
Sunny is my pet name and 27 is my birth date, hence sunny27

I am also the Stig's Indian Curry Eating Cousin!!!
Created a group in my college days called vivacious spirits...

so ..vivacious - Lively , tg- the great(used to say myself when I was 12 yr old)

consider my self lively & lives life with full enthu...& yeah everyone wants to be great :bleh:
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