How did you find about TechEnclave?


Hello Guys!

I've definately found out a good Indian Community/Forum here.

I intend still stay on for long.

I found TechEnclave while I was searching for Taiyo Yuden Blank DVD Media in India. That's how I came in.

How did you guys find about TechEnclave?
I found it through initially when I was looking for 9800GTX reviews, and later through the CHIP magazine forums, when I wanted to buy something, and KMD was mentioned, and the member told me how to get in touch.

Really fantastic community, no hooked!

Long live TE

Great work to all the staff and members.
I read about TE in TOI newspaper around 2years back.

The article was about bunch of guys, earning money by running a forum supported by ads:p
used to be there on digit forums...but found most of the users very noobish..and never felt @ was totally different from TE.

then someone on digit forums told me about TE and i joined...and then there was no looking back..

no doubt TE is the best indian tech community ..with wonderful and really knowledgeable people around..

i just love spending time here..with all you people

TE rocks..and i am sure i will try my best to stay here forever :)
bottle said:
when they asked me to moderate the place :lol:

The Matrix found you
TE surely rocks. I am enoying my moments here. I'm still new here so don't know any Members personally.

May be if there is some Mumbai meetup I'll drop by to say Hello :p

And the Deals, GOs, everything is an icing on the cake.

I ordered TYs from KMD and got what was promised.
Funny you see, I was rescued from the digit forums by darklord at the very begining ( times) then while on TA darky again brought me here to TE