How did you find about TechEnclave?

I was redirected here from TechTree - someone there told me that TE was a cool place which was more interactive that the aforementioned forums.

Glad to know that he was right, and testament to that is that i am still semi-active around here and didn't disappear after I finalized my config. :)
soggy316 said:
I was redirected here from TechTree - someone there told me that TE was a cool place which was more interactive that the aforementioned forums.

yup same here, was browsing through the techtree forums when i found the link to TE
Corleone said:
Do they suck so much?

Am a member there but haven't quite surfed the forums much.

I can't really say the digit forums are bad, but there are lots of fanboys... Every OS thread ends in flame war.. that really spoils the mood of the forum. Thankfully, that hasn't been the case so far in TE..!
And other thing that I really dislike there is that a few members repeatedly use local lingo to post and interact among themselves. That again is irritating.. A few lines is okay, but having one or two full pages in a thread in local lingo that everyone doesn't understand is bad... :(
Through a evil cult meeting which plotted to conquer the world, a faction was formed few years back. A radical extremists who wanted to conquer the universe from that group later formed what you guys know as TE. And here I am.
From a dealer :lol:- can you believe that!! :O

He actually insisted on me visiting this place for getting to know the latest h/w and tech info. :D

And tracerbullet- whom i searched up and contacted by calling all his ex-employers+ex-colleagues and getting his contact info. :rofl:
Had always promised myself that if i get a comp, i have to speak to him before i get one as his 'personal take' in reviews in 'Chip' mag always gelled with mine.

Two people i will be ever grateful for getting me to this place and finding the huge band of genuine, selfless, honest friends via TE. :hap2:
found at Google so no question :p

so digit and some magazine are crappy and waste of cash read lot of hardware review

so you can read review at internet :lol:
Back in 2000 I was a member of digit forums. First ever Indian forum experience after some forums or something :rofl:, yes I wanted to be an elite hacker. Anyway it was in a very very bad state with no moderation whatsoever. I think digit didnt even remember they had installed a forum on their website. :lol:

Bah if I start writing it would be another TE History and Evolution post. :bleh: So lets just say we came here in hordes when TE started after we decided to dump TA.