How did you find about TechEnclave?

I came to know abt this by a frnd - - sunbiz_3000 (Great Guy)

And this website has made me what i am today...i can't say anything more than that.

I love u TE!!:)
Met Darklord on Digit , also he had told me about TE.

But this is how i actually came here.

I typed in TA in the address bar and i accidentally landed @ TE.

And i registered here. :rofl:
sTALKEr said:
proboards anyone?
:O You were there too? Nice! There were about a hundered of us there.
I think it is still online.

Yep.. surprisingly enough I could still recall the complete and exact domain name in one go. Talk about having a great memory. Muhahahaha
: : Technology Forums : : - Home

Here people.. this is where it all started. It was deserted in 2004.

Now here are some funny user titles from that time
SpamMonster! (as usual, TheMask, who else)
Me.....I am CRAZY :D (Xterminator)
Somebody please teach me overclocking !!!!!! (Darklord) :rofl:
Super Power (apex) he was running a small download site then :lol:
sTALKEr said:
proboards anyone?

wow you're my senior then