How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/android

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Hi All,

I am getting zillions of spam sms' everyday from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai .. the sms' do not have any number displayed just TM and LM as the senders details .

TM : tata docomo mumbai . Lm loop mobile mumbai

this is very irritating .. getting weight loss , stock market and bloody all kinds of bulk msgs .

i am currently using a blackberry on vodafone and switching to an iphone only for this issue . is there any app in ios to stop such msgs.

there is an app in bb but it costs 19$ and i have no idea on how to purchase it ? even if i could, paying 19$ is ridiculous !!

bloody telecom dept is also useless as they aren't taking any action .

cant find any app in android either . and even if there is any app in android, its a paid app and i dont know how to buy paid apps in android . !
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

yes, dnd is nice , but it comes from all over india .. so not only tata mumbai .. ive registered dnd with icicii bank and hdfc bank but still get calls from them .. this dnd service does not work .. that one odd sms does slip thru ..

ok i tried the start dnd thing got an instan confrimation .. lets see if it works well .
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

I am also facing this issue

I get sms from VM and many other spam SMS's

BTW i have Vodafone and have already registered for DND long back but still facing this issue
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

90% of all msgs are from TM : tat docomo .. airtel exited the bulk sms business last week so no sms from their network .

update :

looks like i spoke too soon . just recived a sms from bharthi airtel offering me a solution for hair loss lol !!
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

Regarding your question, you can look for iBlacklist on Cydia!
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

Pat can you tell me how to use Iblacklist in Iphone
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

i buy my apps so tell me something that i can buy off the app store.. i find the quality of apps in the app store much better . i dont jailbreak .
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

Iblacklist works like a charm.Only thing is you have to jailbreak your iphone
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

khanvis2009 said:
i buy my apps so tell me something that i can buy off the app store.. i find the quality of apps in the app store much better . i dont jailbreak .
There wont ever be an app for that on the AppStore. And btw, you need to BUY the app I mentioned on the Cydia store and not pirate it if thats what you were getting at!!

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rocky_pratik said:
Pat can you tell me how to use Iblacklist in Iphone
Are you facing any issues ? I guess the app is pretty self-explanatory :S
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

@pat i dont jailbreak cause it makes my phone slow .. i dont mind getting pirated apps but the phone is slow after jailbreaking and I get some ridiculous errors all the time so i stopped jailbreaking a long time ago . buying aps is more convinient for me ..

+ the DND thing is only with ur carrier .. it doesnt stop sms' coming from other carriers .
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

BSNL added to the list :(

Getting lots of junk from BA - BSNL Andhra


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Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

khanvis2009 said:
+ the DND thing is only with ur carrier .. it doesnt stop sms' coming from other carriers .
Thats not true. Once you are in the DND directory and past the 45-days deadline, you should be receiving absolutely no spam messages/calls from anyone. If you do get, you have the right to register a case against the offending sender.

I used to get a lot of junk too earlier. But they have reduced considerably ever since I registered for DND.
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

One important point being left out is how to register a case against a spammer who is ignoring DND. How does one confirm if the person sending the message is even within the jurisdiction of the DND service? Sometimes I receive a message from a regular mobile number, does this apply then?

Finally, how does one go about the issue when one receives messages from a site they registered with, like I bought one game from them and do not remember authorizing them to send me messages with their new stock. I tried emailing them to stop the messages, but it had no affect.
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

khanvis2009 said:
@pat i dont jailbreak cause it makes my phone slow ..
No jailbreaking doesn't make your phone slow in any way.Yes installing resource hungry apps like winterboard or running loads of apps(if you have enabled multi-tasking) will slow down your phone.Only install essential cydia apps and you'll be fine.
Re: How do I block spam sms from tata docomo and loop mobile mumbai on an iphone/andr

Guys really sorry for bumping this up, but how do I add filters so that I don't get spam using iBlacklist. I have registered for DND but it doesnt seem to work.
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