hunter said:That was sad considering the advancement of this age
Anyways, can i do this>> For eg. i want to download 500 MB file, i connect my phone at night and let it download till morning, total for around 10 will download about 130 MB.....
Now can i pause it and continue downloading the remaining MB other night?? Sounds cheap but is worth for me hyeah:
faheem_m said:YES..i guess u can do that if u r using a download manager and the site supports resuming..of downloads.
by the way which net are u using on the phone ?.airtel is it ? and what are the
has33 said:It is possible !!!
Multiple internet connection i.e. We managed more than 3 dail-up connection at a time...didn't ve ne broadband then 2 test but should work...neva tried it on Vista but no reason 4 it 2 not work.
Have a look at my thread @ esato Multiple Dial-up connection bridging on XP !!! : Technical : Sony Ericsson @ Esato
Lemme know here as I don't follow that thread ne more, if U need further assistance.
has33 said:Hunter, haven't U heard of megaupload 3 addon 4 firefox ???
That getlink 4 useful then, yrs, megaupload 3 addon 4 firefox 2 works everytime...unless they ve blocked 4 useage which they do everyday between 8:00pm & 3:00am IST.
U could try the demo 4m wingate site although, I ve no clue 2 the current version or what's added.