Graphic Cards How do I get my “Never Settle: Reloaded” Bundle?

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i bought my sapphire hd 7870 xt with boost form local dealer on 25/3/2013, now how can i get my “Never Settle: Reloaded” bundle?
i didn't get any AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID, was i suppose to get it from dealer, or i can get it 4m amd or sapphire???
i check that link b4 posting ... just posted here to know if anyone got it buy mailing to amd or sapphire.
Any updates on this? My friend is considering buying a AMD card eligible for the bundle, but the online retailers make no mention of this. Will this come with the card or do we need to request the retailer?
i forgot 2 update it,

i got my AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID next day and i redeemed my two games.

tell him to talk to his retailer, he will get ID from whom he gets cards

I'm planning for a AMD ATI Radeon 78xx series card but the online dealer is saying there is NO offer.
So,isn't the offer valid in india?
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