{bad} Contributor Mar 26, 2013 #1 i bought my sapphire hd 7870 xt with boost form local dealer on 25/3/2013, now how can i get my “Never Settle: Reloaded†bundle?
i bought my sapphire hd 7870 xt with boost form local dealer on 25/3/2013, now how can i get my “Never Settle: Reloaded†bundle?
Gannu Unbanned Juggernaut Mar 26, 2013 #2 Try this - http://www.amd4u.com/neversettlereloaded/index.html
{bad} Contributor Mar 26, 2013 #3 i didn't get any AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID, was i suppose to get it from dealer, or i can get it 4m amd or sapphire???
i didn't get any AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID, was i suppose to get it from dealer, or i can get it 4m amd or sapphire???
Gannu Unbanned Juggernaut Mar 26, 2013 #4 {bad} said: i didn't get any AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID, was i suppose to get it from dealer, or i can get it 4m amd or sapphire??? Click to expand... It appears you are supposed to get the code from the retailer if it is not mentioned anywhere inside the box. Ask your retailer. http://www.fudzilla.com/home/item/30700-not-all-rosy-with-amd-never-settle-reloaded And please do some basic Google'ing. Most of the stuff can be found online.
{bad} said: i didn't get any AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID, was i suppose to get it from dealer, or i can get it 4m amd or sapphire??? Click to expand... It appears you are supposed to get the code from the retailer if it is not mentioned anywhere inside the box. Ask your retailer. http://www.fudzilla.com/home/item/30700-not-all-rosy-with-amd-never-settle-reloaded And please do some basic Google'ing. Most of the stuff can be found online.
{bad} Contributor Mar 26, 2013 #5 i check that link b4 posting ... just posted here to know if anyone got it buy mailing to amd or sapphire.
i check that link b4 posting ... just posted here to know if anyone got it buy mailing to amd or sapphire.
jc36lect3r Forerunner Apr 3, 2013 #6 Any updates on this? My friend is considering buying a AMD card eligible for the bundle, but the online retailers make no mention of this. Will this come with the card or do we need to request the retailer?
Any updates on this? My friend is considering buying a AMD card eligible for the bundle, but the online retailers make no mention of this. Will this come with the card or do we need to request the retailer?
{bad} Contributor Apr 4, 2013 #7 i forgot 2 update it, i got my AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID next day and i redeemed my two games. tell him to talk to his retailer, he will get ID from whom he gets cards
i forgot 2 update it, i got my AMD Gaming Evolved Unique ID next day and i redeemed my two games. tell him to talk to his retailer, he will get ID from whom he gets cards
ACidBaseD Contributor Jun 18, 2013 #9 For how much did u buy the card for ? Also i thought the deal isnt available in india ?
Techie#1 Contributor Jun 30, 2013 #10 I'm planning for a AMD ATI Radeon 78xx series card but the online dealer is saying there is NO offer. So,isn't the offer valid in india?
I'm planning for a AMD ATI Radeon 78xx series card but the online dealer is saying there is NO offer. So,isn't the offer valid in india?