How do I send a laptop from the US to India

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Hi guys, I have a laptop bought in India in March 2005. When I came to the US, I brought it along to me. Now I have bought a new one and want to send the old one back. I can't send it with someone, no one will be available for at least 6 months.

So that means I am going to have to courier it back. My question is, if I send it to Pune, how do we handle customs? There should be no customs on this product as it was bought in India in the first place, and is two years old anyway. The bill for the laptop is in India with my parents (to whom I'll be sending the laptop).
see if you can get someone in pune to get the bill and scan it and send it to you. then attach the invoice along with some sort of declaration and send it via courier. say you are sending it for servicing or such

should get you past customs with minimal hassles. or you can use DHL who'll handle everything for you and charge an insane price
hmm i think even if u have bought a brand new lappy from US and bring it along to india there is no customs..cauz i am sure i had heard dad saying that laptops are now duty-free..when bought from US .acc. to some new custom do check out if its true ..maybe u can then send it..or ask u r relative to just send the bill /scanned copy to u in the US so that u can say that it has been bought from india and is 2 yrs old..but this would mean lotssa hassles better just send it .and maybe u r parents or the one pickin up the lappy in india will have to prove it that its an indian laptop with the bill ..

bu i doubt there would be any customs problems .just for a laptop ..just get some info on the official custom rules cauz i still think laptops from US are not charged with customs under some new rule .
^thats true if you hand carry it in but couriers usually make a fuss about everything plus it has to pass through customs where retarted ppl with nothing much to do sit and see how much they can squeeze from you.
i got mine from florida and managed to get it without any duties. That was more troublesome as it was brand new. Go for UPS/DHL i would prefer UPS. they will try to do the hassle work. In your case if you do get the invoice attached also, you should be pretty safe imo.

in the end you gotta pray the custom guy is in good mood also :lol:
KingKrool said:
Ok, but will my parents have to go to a customs office? Or will the courier deliver it to the house?

mostly if it does get hold up at the custom's office ur parents will get a letter or a phone call mostly a letter stating the same, and asking for invoice, failing to present the same the custom ppl charge as they deem fit andit gets delivered to the local post office from where one can collect it after paying the duty charged. this is the case atleast with USPS, for others i believe the procedure is same only the courier guy will come and take the charges and give u the item or vice versa
KingKrool said:
Ok, but will my parents have to go to a customs office? Or will the courier deliver it to the house?

some of the couriers ,i know DHL and FED ex do will handle customs for you.. anyways if you can send a copy of the invoice i dont think you'll face any hassles

So my plan of action is so:

Get my parents to Fax over a copy of the invoice.

Attach the invoice to the box. Send it via UPS.

My parents keep the original invoice with them just in case.

Any suggestions?
When I got my RAM through DHL, the customs duty charged was about 280 or so. DHL charged another 300 as customs clearance changes. I dont know whether its a flat rate or not. If accompanied by proper bills and a declaration, I think DHL or similar courier can get it cleared and deliver it to your house. Also I suggest you have a talk with the courier itself, they may be able to guide you to the correct course of action.
it it this easy...does that mean I can get my sister send me a new laptop from abroad and i have to pay max 1000 extra...
^^Are u forgetting the courier charges ?:ohyeah:

UPS is bloody expensive :( If you look at the courier charges, you would wish you hadn't even thought about it :bleh:
^^ yeah almost..but the best option is to carry it while traveling cauz then the lappy .is duty-free. and u can .have a direct talk with the customs..though u may directly get through the green channel if u dont have anything other than a laptop !
Well I can't carry it can I? I am not coming in for another 6 months... or maybe a year, at which point I will have two laptops with me (my new and old). Clearly, that won't work. Nor can I send it with someone. The only way is to send it by mail/courier. But courier does seem to be too expensive. Dammit.
at which point I will have two laptops with me (my new and old). Clearly, that won't work

except for the long waitng period bit, that would work....

i have done it thrice....twice, they didn't bother to ask...the one time they did, i just said 1 is my office laptop whicih i had taken from India when leaving , and 1 i have bought for myself....

in any case, you can carry along ur india purchase invoice so that you are legally clean :D
Yeah, I guess. But the long waiting period is a killer. I guess I don't have much of a choice if I want to avoid all possible hassles.

The earliest I will be coming in will be August. Quite possibly December.
Do try to come sooner. By that time we will start a couple of GO's :bleh: so that you can help our fellow TE members on humanitarian grounds :ohyeah:
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