TWS earphones are nothing but glorified e-wastes, doesn't matter how much you sugarcoat it. The fact that you have to throw away a 20K INR investment after 1-2 years is simply mind-boggling. A similarly priced IEM will last close to 10 years or more for that matter.
As I said, just because you dislike a product does not mean that it is bad. People change 60k rupee phone every other year. No body cares if an IEM lasts 10 years. Those who buy TWS are not buying that to hand it over to their grand kids. They buy for the comfort and ease it offers right then and right there. One can go with Apple care plus plan for Airpods pro and get full 2 year warranty that also covers accidental damage. For airpods pro, they charge 2500/- for this full cover. From what I have seen, Apple products last long, really long. When these airpods can last minimum of three years, it is a perfect product for 'normal' users who can afford them.
Plus, the mark-up at which these companies are selling these wireless products and looting customers, while damaging the earth, is nothing short of a travesty.
Again, this is purely your PoV.
When a WF1000XM4/AirPods Pro costs similar to full-range planar magnetic headphones while having significantly lower sound quality than an IEM costing 1/3rd of the price, serious questions need to be asked about the companies that are making these products & the consumers consuming them. Have you even gone though the Sony/Samsung/Apple subreddit and seen how many people are facing issues with their newly bought TWS earphones? Seems like spending copious amounts of money still can't buy you reliability as good as wired.
Saying this again. People buying these product do not care about all this jargon. They dont even know what lies inside an airpods pro or XM4s. Also, you are seriously misguided again here.
You cannot compare the reliability of wired vs wireless. Wired is for long term use but with usual discomfort of wires. Wireless is for comfort and ease of use, with shorter life span of products. Every one who buys these are aware. A land line lasts a decade minimum but a mobile lasts 5 years max (if one is lucky). This does not mean that one has to go back to landline just because it lasts longer. These new models offer nice balance of reliabilityk, audio quality and ease of use. This is what matters and this why they sell a lot.
Not to mention the elephant in the room - Bluetooth. One of the most unreliable technologies that still can't play hi-res audio after so many years. Forget hi-res, you can't even game properly on a TWS. Forget gaming, you still have to deal with interferences/signal drops.
Who cares if TWS supports gaming! Candy crush is still the most popular game on Android and iOS. People still game on phone in casual manner and they use TWS for casual use. I am not at all interested in discussing these irrelevant comparisons. As for hi-res, Airpods Pro already support hi-res audio and they also offer Spatial audio. Same is the case with Sony XM4. I am saying this again. Just because you hate one product category does not mean that they are bad. You just cannot accept the fact that they are good. Coming to interferences and signal drops, I never had any such issue when I used bluetooth Enco M31s. I used to go for 1 hour plus ride and not even once I had any such issues. Hi-res audio, low latency audio etc are pure overkill for those using TWS for listening to music streams on Spotify or making calls on phone. No body cares about Hi-res audio, except audiophiles and audiophiles do not care about TWS.
Anyways, who am I to say what others should buy. If you like splurging on costly TWSes every two years in the name of 'convenience' then be my guest.
I am not splurging on TWS every two years and I do not call people mindless for buying premium TWS. If you have read my reply, you would have known that I am into wired audio (while on the run and while at home). What I am saying is that you name calling these really good TWS models as junk or crap is wrong. It is border-line anti-fanboyism.
Also, I like your father's perspective. At least he leads an unadulterated life unlike the rest of us and definitely not adding to the e-waste unlike the TWS-loving people.
hahaha. you are funny. Unadlulterated. Some things are easy to say on forums and social media.

There is one thing that you miss here. Majority of normal people cannot differentiate between sound signature of decent wired headset and wireless headset. For them, the only thing that matters is comfort. Not audio quality, not hi-res, not impedance, not sensitivity. Comfort. This is all that matters to majority of buyers.
I never let go of the landline like some did to replace with mobile. Mobile at best is field radio quality. Much better call quality with landline.
There are times when mobile to mobile can be uintelligible because both have weak signal. Call up the mobile with a landline and the quality improves.
There is another reason to use landline. Mobile connections get snappped anytime there is unrest in the country. Landline still works
You are a rare species now.
WHen it comes to headsets though, convenience / ease of use starts mattering more (for many people although of course not all)
I could have brought a 10K wired IEM instead of a Airpods pro - but my total annual usage would have been a few hours vs the everyday workout that the APPs get (a few hrs everyday including music and calls)
So in the end , I have recovered my money's worth after 3 years (and say 1500-2000 hours of usage) and they should probably last another 2. As against a 10K IEM which I would have used for maybe 100 hours so far.
Spot on. I have a near 4 year old Jabra headset that I use for calls. it costs about 30k and the quality is absolutely amazing. I never used it for music, I never tried to play games using this. I used it only for calls and boy, the voice quality that I get and the clarity that others get when i speak is brilliant. The icing on the cake is that I can just move around while on call. I am not tied to the laptop while on call. If I want to stretch, I do that. If I want to run to kitchen to get water or make coffee, I can do that without carrying the laptop along.
Comfort and ease of use trumps hi-res and low latency audio and things that are overkill when it comes to normal use of such headsets.