PC Peripherals how do u knw a ram is broken ?? 1.5k Worth to pay for 2 repair Ram ??

What do you mean when you say the "rams were broken'. Was there actual physical damage, or were they just not working correctly?

Don't pay the guy if he's billing you for the cost of repairing the RAM! If they were under warranty there will be no repair/replacement charge.
Also, if they were physically damaged the service center would not have accepted them.

Also, the repair guy should have told you about the costs before billing you, and not after. Maybe they're his service charges for coming to your place, opening your computer, etc etc. But still, he should have made you aware.

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You can't break the RAM sticks by trying to insert them. There is only one way they will fit in the socket. There is a notch in the socket which lines up with one on the RAM stick. Align them, and insert the memory sticks. Once you've pushed them in, the tabs at the ends of the socket will automatically close, and you'll hear a click.
Disconnect the power cord, touch something metallic to discharge any static electricity, don't use too much force, align the sticks to the notch, push the ram in and make sure they've been inserted properly and evenly (the gold fins should be invisible), and the tabs at the ends of the ram socket are closed, and then boot up your computer.

One your computers started download a program called 'memtest' and run it. If it passes the test, your memory is fine.
It's pretty hard to get wrong.
I don't think you can repair ram that you've cut/broken while opening the package. And no one would replace it either.

And if it was broken your computer wouldn't boot at all.
The bsod's might be because your ram is defective, but not because it's broken. Your computer guy seems to be making a fool of you. I wouldn't advise paying him for 'repairing' your ram.

btw..are the ram sticks with you, or him?

can you post pics of them so that we can see if they are actually damaged?
did u verify da ram for physical damage before giving it to him ?. you should have asked about the damage to the ram before giving it to to that guy. Should have posted the ram pics frm ur friends pc. Ok.

afaik most electronic parts will not work if even der is a slight damage. Moreover Computer parts are vry sensitive to physical damage. So mostly if der is physical damage it should not work, atleast small chips like ram modules. If it works even for 5 mins it must be a logical issue only.. Guys correct me if m wrong.

the cc will never accept a physically damaged even for a low price. So most probably he is cheating you...
Actually i havent got any RAM issues so far so dont know about a replaced RAM. But IMO there cant be a new/repaired RAM with the same serial number. The serial numbers are always unique. This i am telling based on the experience of RMAing other IT products. In case of replacement you will get a repaired (or new one) with a different serial number only...

Dint you verify if there is any physical damage in your old RAM ?. Moreover in RAM modules the signature of the dealer and the date of purchase will be affixed with marker pen usually. There will be two signatures. One belongs to the distributor and the other belongs to the dealer. Did you find anything like that in your old RAM. If even the signatures are same as your old RAM then surely he is trying to return your old RAM and rip you off.

And finally, how did you come to a conclusion that your RAM is responsible for the BSOD ??. Did you note down the error code and searched for any explanation or you simply assumed that BSODs are due to RAM issues ?? . Have you checked your PC with some other RAM?. Did you re-install O/s or did you perform any trouble shooting steps to trace the issue ??
Call the CC and ask if there is any chance to have the same serial number in the replaced RAM. And moreover one cannot easy peel of the stickers over these modules and if any attempt is made the sticker will be torn for sure. May be that guy managed to peel the sticker from your old RAM and stuck it in a RAM whose warranty has expired and selling it to you for 1.5k . This is because you may check warranty online...

Ok first call CC and say that you have given two modules for replacement and both of them have the same serial number. If that is possible then what you have got now may be a replaced piece. BTW i dont find any burns or damages on both the old modules.. Do you find any ??

If the modules are damaged as the guy told you, then surely the CC wouldnt have given any replacement for sure. They are authorized service centres mate. They render only service and not sales. So there is hardly any chance to get another module by paying extra. Havent heard about this in my lifetime...
I don't think your rams have been tampered with. Put them back in your system, and see how they work.

Check your hard drive for errors, and check the size of your page file.
"Page Fault in Non Page area"
That probably means theres an error when windows is trying to copy stuff from your ram to your hard disk.
The guy is duping you for sure. He thinks you to be a guy with no hardware knowledge and no source of even getting one but he is wrong. If he is asking for the money ask him to get the "INVOICE" from the CC or the service centre. That should get him straight. Caution: Dont deal with this guy again. An honest person should have asked if the thing is in warranty and then if it is not then he cud have tried his methods. This is totally not acceptable. He is clearly cheating on you.