how do you add text to a video file

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hi i want to add text to my videos like in movies u hv subtitle,...ppl speak and then at the bottom there is translation
i tried using movie maker and video edit success

pls suggest me a nice software .......all my video files are in mpeg2 format and are recorded frm my tv tuner card...i need to write them on a disc and so want to put the subtitles also

pls if u can suggest me a nice software to make dvd files on disc...tht would be great....i m currently using nero vision...which is good...but i need somethin better ....thnx:)

yes...i have to manually write the text....

i dont have any subtitle file....

Thats one tough job you have there !!!

Well you also give Pinnacle Studio a try its very easy to use and has the required feature !

Or one more option I'd suggest is, Rip the Audio separately in a WAV or MP3 format and use text to speech and speech to text (not very easy but should be much better then having to listen each word and pause it and type manually) !! Once you have the text its not that difficult to make subtitle file !!

Hope this helps !!

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