Security Software How do you manage your passwords and personal info?

How do you manage your passwords and personal info

  • Keep the same/similar password everywhere

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • Save it in a document

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Remember all the passwords

    Votes: 15 28.8%
  • Use a password manager

    Votes: 24 46.2%
  • Use an encryption software

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Use the browser password storage

    Votes: 2 3.8%

  • Total voters
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Staff member
How do you guys manage passwords? Do you keep the same password everywhere or you rely on your memory? Do you use a password manager or you rely on the browser storage?

What are the best password or personal information manager applications currently?

I came across LastPass which has application for all OS and mobile devices so thats a plus.
Used lastpass 4 years back if i recall correctly. Thank God, Now I remember all the passwords without needing any password manager.. :p
I use Keepass and the same database is on my Google Drive which can be read by Keepass on android, 2-step verification for Google account. Most of the non-important account I keep the same password from 2 of my common passwords which I remember mentally with little changes relating to the website.
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I'm using LastPass since past 5 years now no matter I have some common passwords to almost all my accounts. Its like I use 3-4 types of passwords sets and nothing extra than that. So even if I forget one, when there's no LastPass, I can access any of my a/c using the combinations of my 4 password sets.
I have separate passwords for my zip/rar stuff, separate for bank a/cs, separate for jobs portals, separate for email accounts and so on. :cool:

To end, no matter which tool, our brain is the most secret locker and encryption we possess and now we need some external stuff to manage that as well. :p
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3 types: variants of one password for mail; for money maters a separate set & finally, one casual/general purpose used freely. Don't use password managers.
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I have a set of 6 words and a 4 digit number and I make different combinations from the same.
For the common, unimportant sites I use the same password.
For important ones like Google, bank sites, etc I only use the combinations from my set (plenty are possible).
I use 2 factor authentication wherever possible (I also have the Authenticator app for google).
So everything is in the mind only.
I tried using Lastpass for a while but wasn't very comfortable using it.
I have also used Keepass in the past.
Although both Lastpass and Keepass are extremely good programs, I finally came to a conclusion that mnemonics was the way to go and it is working fine for me (till now, fingers crossed).
All of my passwords are a play of character around one word. This I keep in an password protected excel sheet. The excel sheet is just a mere backup, I remember the passwords most of the time.
I dont belive in password managers. so I try to remember all the passwords. if I forget, I just reset the password using the email link. I never forgot my email password.

My company's proxy replaces the ssl cert of last pass. making everyone think that its a fake site. ;)
Remember everything
Banking/sensitive have Caps , numbers and special character
Email except google which has 2 step authentication has totally another different set
I would prefer to remember passwords, but with so many sites nowadays, it's hard to remember everything, specially when you have different passwords for different sites (good from security point of view). That's why I use a password manager.

I use KeePass.
I try to remember most of the passwords. I use common password for unimportant sites and use open-id logins (google mainly, or facebook/twitter/openId) whenever possible.

But some passwords asked to be changed every 30/60 days. I tried changing the special characters only. But later had to write 'em somewhere (with my own encryption method of course :D) as I tend to forget. Never used any password manager though.
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