How do you unwind?


Hello all TEians.

So how do you people unwind, feel refreshed? As this is a tech forum, lets keep it teched up (though it would be rather hard to say what is not).

Let me start off by letting you pay attention to my avatar. Yessss.... Some of you got it right. The smurfs. One could just watch an episode of childhood-time-favourite animated series. Most of the stuff is available on Youtube and torrents.

I am totally amazed by how as kids it took so little for us to be amazed. :) This one really hit me : I was watching an episode of Mogli and the title song - almost every scene, every turn came into my mind and also rushed in a nostalgic sense of pleasure I once used to feel waiting for the program to begin and then listening to the title song :) A true gem: "Chaddi pahen ke phool khila hai, phool khila hai".

Do put in your pennies men.
How I unwind at home:

watching movies & TV series, listening to music 'n playing around with my dog... ;)

Not too tech'd up but that's not the point I hope.
Bluffmaster said:
Apna haath Jagannath.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That was funny..!

On topic, my idea of unwinding is taking a nice long walk, provided the weather permits. Else, taking a shower in cold water. :D
^^ Try it sometime, doesn't have to be three miles, could be a short run. Just make sure you blast your favorite music from the ipod and forget everything'll be surprised!
^^ I agree with Smith on music + jogging being really soothing :). It really is.

Anyhoo, increasingly I have found myself to be unwinding by doing something different from the regular routine. Go for a ride somewhere, take the ferry to alibaug and play cricket on the beach there! just about anything that is not the usual!
My unwinding starts right from the time i leave the office. I work in an IT company and by the time i leave office(even before leaving) my eyes start to feel so heavy, that its semi closed.

Coming back from office takes around 1-1.5 hrs n the company bus. So usually listen to songs on my player. Right now i am crazy over Ne-Yo and Rihanna. Or sometimes I read a book. I never complete reading the book. Usually my friends complete my book on my behalf. :bleh:

I am like a library for them. The only difference is they never return the books. :p

Yeah runnning is too good, even i do it. I dont get time in the morning, so after coming back from office i run at the night for like 45 mins. Its totally a stress buster. Besides i need to drop a couple of pounds.

Then while eating dinner, I watch Some funny sitcoms. My personal all time favourite Seinfeld and Scrubs. Right now also watching Arrested Development and Entourage. Entourage Rocks:hap2:

And also the following is the most amazing relaxing technique.

Just before sleep i do the following:

1. I try to reflect at how the day has been? Where did i screw up? Where did i do well?

2. Half an hour of pranayam (just 5 min of bhastrika and 25 mins of Anulom Vilom. No other pranayam on the night, but just two i mentioned) Pranayam by far is the most relaxing thing ever. Never believed it until i really tried it.

Pretty long unwinding right? I think u must be drooling by now. :bleh:
I go to gym after college and read books(apart frm syllabus). But Nothing beats pwning noobs in CS and I love GTA multiplayer.......