Storage Solutions How does the USB to IDE cable work?

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I got myself a USB to IDE cable and plugged in my HDD.

It detects my HDD as I can see the removal storage icon in the taskbar. Also there is the driver installation icon in the taskbar which is stuck, nothing happens when I click on it.

I cannot see any drives appear in the list.

I have 4 NTFS partitions on the disk. And lots of important data (discographies). :P
HOw do I get this thing to work.
First check in BIOS that USB2 is enabled.

Have you checked in Disk Management ? If drive is not present hit the Refresh and Rescan option in the Disk Management under the Action menu. Have you got XP SP2 installed ?
Eazy said:
First check in BIOS that USB2 is enabled.
Have you checked in Disk Management ? If drive is not present hit the Refresh and Rescan option in the Disk Management under the Action menu. Have you got XP SP2 installed ?
USB2 is enabled.

Refresh doesnt work things out.

^^ no its not.. if the mobo doesnt support usb2 .. the device would work at usb 1.1 or usb 1.0 speeds...

btw renegade.... did your usb-ide come with any special instructions..... ??

like the one i currently use.... i have to first switch on the power(that is connect to the power source first) and then connect the usb to the comp..only then does it work properly... otherwise its detected(the sound that comes when a usb device is plugged in) but doesnt show up in comp mgmt or in my computer..
try this:

control panel>administrative tools>com management>disk management

you should see an additional drive appear there...right click>initialize

then do a quick format to ntfs/fat32

edit:oh, i didn't notice the fact that you don't even see the drive under disk mgmt :(
Do not temper more with it.... kindly contact your HDD Warranty support helpline as HDD is not getting detected... else you`ll loose even the warranty of the hdd

give a try to casing... it might also be faulty.
heh the most simple solution,MOSt (ihave one thats not) cables REQUIRE you to set the jumper to master,if thers no jumper or its set to slave it wont detect/nothing will happen try that out and post back

also once u power the hdd touch and feel if its spiniing 2 make sures its physically allrite
SoulFire said:
heh the most simple solution,MOSt (ihave one thats not) cables REQUIRE you to set the jumper to master,if thers no jumper or its set to slave it wont detect/nothing will happen try that out and post back
also once u power the hdd touch and feel if its spiniing 2 make sures its physically allrite
Have already done that..
HDD is 100% physically alright and spinning.

Am not using the casing but just the cable-kit.
There is nothing that HDD Warranty support helpline will do.. nothing wrong with the hdd.
Renegade said:
Am not using the casing but just the cable-kit... nothing wrong with the hdd.

Have you run this HDD connected directly to the MoBo's IDE controller ? Work fine ? Have you tried connecting cable to different USB2 ports ?

I hope you do not have the Techcom cable - I have one of these and it is BAAAAAD !!!

@chic_magnet .... I have 3 external USB cases and 2 USB2IDE cables and non of these insist that I power on HDD before the computer. THANK GAWD !!! :rolleyes:
^easy : Ya man,..the tech-com crap is real crap when it comes to these converters....i tried a converter & a casing...both were ultra craps....:@
Eazy said:
Have you run this HDD connected directly to the MoBo's IDE controller ? Work fine ? Have you tried connecting cable to different USB2 ports ?
I hope you do not have the Techcom cable - I have one of these and it is BAAAAAD !!!
@chic_magnet .... I have 3 external USB cases and 2 USB2IDE cables and non of these insist that I power on HDD before the computer. THANK GAWD !!! :rolleyes:

yeah I too hope so coz the box does not have any company name on it.. :rofl:
Renegade said:
yeah I too hope so coz the box does not have any company name on it.. :rofl:

A pic of the Techcom..

.... and one of the good one... R-Driver II ... this one handles 2.5" and 3.5" and optical drives .... paid 600/- .... should be cheaper now

Eazy said:
A pic of the Techcom..

.... and one of the good one... R-Driver II ... this one handles 2.5" and 3.5" and optical drives .... paid 600/- .... should be cheaper now

I am using r driver I .. working like a charm for me .. very good performance for hdd as well as odd drives .. just make sure everthing connented in master mode .. jumper setting ..
Eazy said:
A pic of the Techcom..

.... and one of the good one... R-Driver II ... this one handles 2.5" and 3.5" and optical drives .... paid 600/- .... should be cheaper now

I am using r driver I .. working like a charm for me .. :hap2: very good performance for hdd as well as odd drives .. just make sure everything connected is in master mode .. jumper setting ..
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