How Duke Nukem Forever Was Brought Back To Life

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Re: the duke is back!!!!

He's not back until he's back.

They've just announced that they are taking over productions.. Lets hang on till they actually launch before we celebrate :p
Re: the duke is back!!!!

So how many more decades till we again hear that some other company has taken over production and will launch the game in a couple of decades ?
he ex-3D-Realms guys didn't have much hope of getting Duke Nukem Forever released. They didn't have the contractual, legal rights to release the game. But 3D Realms co-owner Scott Miller worked out an agreement with Blum so that they could continue creating Duke Nukem Forever, Pitchford said. They could work on the game. But with lawsuits flying, who was going to put this thing out? Miller contacted Pitchford to see if the latter could turn this project into a reality.

"I kind of got myself in the middle there," Pitchford recalled. The Gearbox boss didn't want to go into all the details at PAX of the business deal that would revive Duke. He offered the abbreviated version.

"The short story of it is: Because of my history with Duke, because of my relationship with Scott and George, because of the trust and respect that Gearbox and Take Two were able to build through our work together with Borderlands, and through the capabilities that I have built with my team to be able to ship games on these platforms — because of all of these things, I was in a spot that, if I took a bet and got in there and put myself in the line of fire in the middle of this thing, I knew that I could bring all these pieces together and that I could save Duke.

"I just knew it was going to work. I took the risk. I bet on Duke."
Read the whole Story HERE
SO who's excited and who is not ? DUKE NUKEM gameplay videos are doing the rounds on web....
From the gameplay video at PAX, it looked like an exact replica of RAGE to me. Thought I'm not a Duke Nukem fan, It looks interesting. Besides, it's Gearbox, I assume they will continue using the UE3 engine. Need to wait for more details on this game though.
Not agggain :annoyed:

Btw, did anybody read the comments on the man goes like, I grew up playing side scrolling Duke Nukem 'and' the FPS (presumably he was referring to the Manhattan Project). How can these babies understand what all Duke stands for :ohyeah:
Duke Nukem forever LIVES!!

It's taken 13 years, tens of millions of dollars, and a couple lawsuits, but the videogame that created the Vaporware Award is finally, officially on its way. Publisher 2K Games and developer Gearbox Software announced this afternoon at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle that the Chinese Democracy of videogames, Duke Nukem Forever, is complete and will ship early next year.

We've been following the rumor the game would make its debut at PAX Prime for a month, but given Duke Forever's joke-worthy development cycle, we vowed not to believe it until we saw it. Well, today we saw it. Gearbox studio head Randy Pitchford debuted the Duke Nukem Forever trailer and PAX attendees were given hands-on time with the game. Seriously.

Link - GameSpy: Gearbox Software Unveils Duke Nukem Forever - Page 1
^^ Or how to create a brand that remains strong for a decade without any actual products...

Bring on the Shrink Ray !!
^^ Keeping a brand name alive does not always require products to be continually released. In any case, they were not as bare during these 10 years as you think either. They licensed out Duke Nukem, Produced Max Payne and Prey.
sorry to be a wet blanket, but I donno why this game which dates back more 10 yrs is so popular. What was so spectacular about the original game that ppl are waiting for the sequel?
It's not as popular as it is made out to be. Some might even opine that Duke is no longer "in sync" with the current generation. But he is a great reminder of the nineties, with cheesy lines, nude girls and over the top violence. Duke's followers are the old generation, who remember the game at that time. The new breed who grew up on MW2 will probably fail to see what the big deal is.
sugat123 said:
sorry to be a wet blanket, but I donno why this game which dates back more 10 yrs is so popular. What was so spectacular about the original game that ppl are waiting for the sequel?
After Id released DOOM, every FPS that came around was known as a DOOM clone. Duke Nukem 3D was one of the first FPS that was substantially different in terms of what the game offered in terms of content. It had a bit of non linearity, cheesy one liners from Duke and was the game was ridiculous to the point of being hilarious. It set itself apart enough from being another doom clone. When they started on the sequel, the initial demos showed of tech that cannot be found in any other games in work at the time. That alone was enough to rise more interest in the franchise, unfortunately they aimed for too many good things (perfection) and in the end failed.
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